its funny how people always get on government assistance…but given the situation they do the same thing.
a lot of people CANT afford health care…so an alternative is government assistance
i don;t like people who abuse it, but it does have its place.
its like that walmart study they did…a person/family working @ walmart & doing all their shopping @ walmart could not make it…just not enough money…& throw in heath care & that makes it worse.
what does a family do when they have a minimal or minimum wage income & kids. & don’t say get a better job…some people can’t…there are people in the world who will never be higher then a laborer/cashier, etc…
& if you’re still going to blame it on the persons skills to get a better job…they you go to the next problem… EDUCATION
tell me why some schools don’t even have foreign language option. how do you get into a half decent college with no foreign language?
then there is the BS no child left behind…where the schools are so focused on math & english that the students don’t even have history,social studies, gym/health, etc…
the whole fucking system…ITS SICKENING!!!
what ive been thinking about is this…are the schools shitty & that makes the rich kids go to private school or are the schools shitty because the rich kids go to private school…& i think its more the latter
i think it would be interesting to see what would happen if they closed all private schools in Pgh & surrounding area…I guarantee the public schools would get better & FAST.
sorry that a bled onto the education problem but its all relevant