Thoughts on using work templaes in portfolio

I need some advice on a subject I’m unsure about. I have had a portfolio put together since High school that I take into job interviews to show what I have done so far in my career.

I have had an Assistant Project Management job at a construction company for about 8 Months now. Went to college for this type of work and now just getting my experience in.

My question is… I have created many work templates in MS word, letters, estimates, manuals and other items I feel would be good to take to an interview. Would these be good to put in a portfolio for future references or would a future employer frown upon this? Of course any company information would be deleted.

Thank for the input.

Take the templates and stuff them full of dummy data. “ABC Construction” and “Company XYZ at 123 Some St”.

As long as there is no customer info on there I don’t see a problem with showing the work you’ve been doing.

I’m a software engineer and I’ll talk about projects I’ve worked, even specific clients, but when it comes to showing example code I only include snipets that would be useless by themselves.

Thats what I was thinking I was just unsure. Thanks for the input.