"proper" cover letter

just wondering whats the best way to go about this. i’m writting a cover letter for a job that i used to have before, thru a temp agency, but this time its for hire direct thru the company. i wanna kinda try to make it a point that i’ve worked there before so it’d be an easy transition so to speak. just anything to give me an edge lol anyone ever run into this before?

hrmmm… just say something along the lines of, through my experience working for your company for the past 2 years bla bla bla, i feel that with the knowledge of the processes and procedures and profitability bla bla bla makes me an exceptional candidate.
^^ that sounds really cocky, so you might want to “thin” in out a little bit… but thats the gist of what you should say… remember, to the point on a coverletter… dont bs them… if you know the hr person you are handing the cover letter to it helps as well. what kind of position, there are different types of coverletters/resume formats that you should use for different professions.

Are you just writing a letter and thats it? or have you made contact there recently?

lol…i just sent a few cover letters out.

jay if you want an idea i can send u mine i have saved…i usually use it for reference…but then switch the words around as needed

well i got a call from someone who i had worked with there before (also the one that got me in the door last time) and he said that 2 people had recently retired and they had a posting up for a position available. he was going to talk to my old boss tommorow and let him know what i’m still in the area and would be interested, so i’m just getting my resume and whatnot ready

its for a CAD position

A proper cover letter should have 3 paragraphs:

-Short paragraph stating what you are seeking, kind of like the objective part of your resume.
-Slightly longer paragraph selling yourself, hitting key points in your resume. Mention here that you have worked there before.
-Short paragraph with the action plan. “I would like to meet with you at your earliest convenience to discuss how I will add value to your organization. I will contact you by phone Wednesday at 9AM to pursue this.”

If you want you can send it to me, I’m the resume/cover letter king :-p I’ll pm you my work email

thanks everyone for the replies :slight_smile:

and walter i’ll send it to ya, i’m gonna write it now

  1. do not misspell any words, such as “writing”. your letter/app will get thrown right in the trash if you do.

  2. check monster.com, carreer.com, etc etc. they all have good examples u can just copy and then modify to fit your needs.


thanks for the suggestions walter, i’m gonna use most of it in some way or another :tup:

btw i got a call today from the guy who was gonna talk to my old boss…turns out that when he brought my name up my old boss told him that he was actually just about to ask him if he knew if i would be interested in the spot :smiley: