
well ive never resigned from a position or left work giving two weeks and hopefully under good terms.

any advice on how to properly communicate the resignation process?

i want to be able to leave without a black mark from my current employer and would like to know a good way to say it, without sounding like i am leaving because i was unhappy here(which i was not, i loved my position here, but bigger and better things await).


how often do you jump from job to job?


I have given 2 months notice once

actually ive been here a year
(march 08-end of february 09)

jesus… no one is going to want to hire you anywhere because you can’t stay at a job more than 6 months

I copied and pasted a professional sounding resignation letter I found on google, replaced the company name and my name, and that was that.

If they counter and you don’t want hurt feelings just tell them you feel there is more opportunity where you’re going or your excited about X project you’re going to get to work on at the new place. Don’t say, “I don’t care how much you pay me, this place sucks”. :slight_smile:

BAM, take your pick.

It’s not a love note, you don’t lose points for copying someone else’s words. :wink:

You found an opportunity to work somewhere that will help you progress with what you really want to make a career out of.


wow, great post, thanks for the help!

sooo where to and what will you be doing now?!?

There are some legal implications to giving reasons for leaving that may be best left alone. Most resignation letters, the one I gave OGSI included, simply say

"Dear XXX,

The purpose of this letter is to inform you that XXXXX will be my last day with the company. Thank you for the opportunities I have had here.


Takethisjob Andshoveit"

Tell your boss that you have to talk to him.

When you meet, sit right down (before he does) and get comfortable.

Then, when he sits, hand him your resignation and say “I’m afraid I’m going to have to let you go”.

Fire your boss. It’s hysterical, and you will be a legend in that office forever.

I’ve never had a problem with any company I’ve worked for when giving them at least 2 weeks notice. Just sit down with your boss, be honest, and have a good chat.

:lol: When I told mine that I was going to Praxair his response was “Shit. I’m not even going to try to counter-offer.” :lol:

I’m jelous you can quit your job for a better one, I can’t find shit.:banghead:

Last time I tried giving my two weeks notice my boss told me to hand my key fob over and leave the building immediately due to “security reasons”. Guess they didn’t want disgruntled employee’s sabotaging their already shitty web servers.:mamoru:

Your an idiot… The best thing to do is just be up front with your boss and let him know whats going on


I have to do the same thing in a position that pretty much took a half of year to train for and launch, and is only known by two people in our entire company. Top that with our hiring freeze and a manager who treats me like gold even though im only a decent employee, and I have a real mess on my hands lol. But im leaving for Europe in the Fall so I dont even know when a good time to tell him is for my own safety and security.

When I told my boss I was going he asked if there was anything he could do to get me to stay… LOL
I said sure…

His response was " I can not offer you $XX,XXX"

I did the basic letter approach thanking them for the opportunities etc,
after I had talked with my boss.

When they heard about layoffs here, they expressed an interest in my return.

It’s worth it to leave on great terms giving them as much help/time as you can. Buffalo is a small town, so word travels farther than you would imagine.

Don’t give more than two weeks. Two weeks is customary so you will be on good terms. No need to risk them saying “Oh yeah, well leave sooner” and you being without pay for X amount of time.

I know, thats my fear!

I just feel really bad knowing that my boss treated me like gold in many ways and is going to need a lot more than 2 weeks to find and train a new person to replace me (even if his boss lets him due to our freeze). I just feel like im personally boneing him but I know thats just business :confused: