

I’ve known at least a couple places (including where I’m at now) that send you home as soon as you turn in your resignation. Even if they love you as an employee some positions have too much access to sensitive information to keep someone with nothing to lose around.

Fry are you drunk already? You are full with humor today.

Dot. They paid you and you provided a service. You don’t owe it to anyone to expose yourself to unnecessary risk.

My mind’s been celebrating Fat Tuesday all day. Unfortunately I’ve drank nothing stronger than a protein smoothie all day.

First one to make a gay joke gets pistol whipped.


you ditched last night, you coming out tonight?

mmmmm…an smoothie

moboost, I am in a very VERY similar situation. I might shoot you a pm soon.

:tif: You going to electric?

i might. i also might just stay in and be lame. mike has a tendency to get me very, very drunk.

Gotta do it on a weekend so my lame ass can get a DD and drunk.

Anyways, I thought this thread was going to be solo2scoob resigning from nyspeed. What a let down! :stuck_out_tongue: Oh well, we all know how well those go… :io:

oh please, without me here, who would make lame ass threads about newmans “new style”?:grouphug:

You don’t understand the difference between “your” and “you’re”, but I’m an idiot. Of course.


People who are still there tell me that the owner of the company still tells the story of “the guy who fired me”. It’s apparently a favorite at company parties.

I like where your head is at.

Mighty Taco?

Seriously though.
You don’t have to give details, but what was the position you left?

Senior Systems Adminstrator

Same boat there come March. Should be fun. :loopie:

Scream “I HAVE QUIT BETTER JOBS THAN THIS!!!” and walk out the door.

I’ve always given 2 weeks notice and it’s usually not a problem.

I would have been out of work for 2 weeks when I quit automated machine in OP. A machinist gave notice few weeks prior, and the owner made him leave right away. So instead, I buttoned up everything as best I could for 2 weeks, gave only one day notice and offered to work part time to finish any open projects. He declined of course. Fugg him, if he was a better boss he would have gotten better from me. I felt bad not giving an official 2 weeks, but I wasn’t going to risk being out of work.

You really dont need a letter,just memorize this clip…