The 2 week notice?

Well Im going to put my 2 weeks notice in tommrow. Should I put it on paper or not? What all do you say other then your going to another job?

You could do it in writing if you’d like to be more formal about it. Just state you are leaving for whatever reason, when your last day is, and that you enjoyed working and you appologize for any inconvinience you may cause.

That’s what I’d do atleast.

If your company doesnt have a policy in place, I would do as Jon suggested…

Formal resignation is always in paper form. In my resignation I tell them I am leaving, and when my last day was and I ask for an exit interview. Short and simple

i usually dont have a 2 week notice and heres why. most jobs when they fire you they dont give a 2 week notice. so i say tell them that day. or i just dont show up anymore.

my schedule comes out sunday for monday-sunday so they give me 16 hour notice… so i will give a 2 day notice… i quit 2day. :slight_smile:

do it in writing and you will should beable to come back if anything ever happens. never burn your bridges. like i did

the only job i ever quit i now date the owners daughter and that makes for akward times when im around him.

This is what im giving for my notice.

Letter of Resignation

Aaron Gray

February 1, 2007

Washington Auto Mall
303 Washington Road
Washington PA, 15301

Dear Mr. Gary Flannery, Mr. Bob Weisen, and Mr. Bob Pahler

Please accept this letter as formal notification that I am leaving my position with the Washington Auto Mall company on February 14. I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming. I am leaving to pursue another opportunity in the state of Florida. I feel that it has come time for me to embark on another path of my career.
I greatly appreciate the opportunity that I have been given. Thank you for the opportunities you have provided me during my time with the company.
If I can be of any assistance during this transition, please let me know.

Yours very sincerely and respectfully,

Aaron Gray

are you serious?>

That’s a good way to start being blackballed.

Yes. Definitely.



I think I’d do it a little differently, see above…

you work at washington auto mall?? i’ve heard some BAD stories about that place. i would do just as jackedup wrote

If they’re that bad I’d get it notarized before sending it!

Its the Honda Toyota Hyundia dealer. I bet your thinking of all pro auto mall…

Haha and i pulled out that one line… I just thought it was funny at first till i read it over…

I feel how weak and fruitless must be any words of mine which should attempt to beguile you from the grief of a loss so overwhelming.

Highlight and delete.

Make sure you space it out enough to sign it at the bottom.

I also don’t like

Yours very sincerely and respectfully,

Might just be me, but I would change both of those.

you need to do it in writing, if you do it in writing, and they fire you with in those 2 weeks, they’re required to pay you for those days included in those 2 weeks.

So when I tried to put in my 2 weeks at Taco Bell and they fired me, by law they should have paid me for those 2 weeks?

He is. I thought the same thing when I read it. They change their name so often.

Congrats on the new job!!!

I think it might be different in all states. Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Texas might not all have the same laws as far as that goes…

“I Just Gave My Employer Two Weeks’ Notice and the Employer Fired Me. What Can I Do?”

Pennsylvania is an 'AT WILL ’ state. An employer does not need to give a reason to fire an employee under Pennsylvania wage and hour laws. However, you may wish to check with an attorney to see whether or not you can file a civil lawsuit against your employer for wrongful discharge. Also, if you feel you were discriminated against because of race, creed, color, age, religion, sex, or similar reason, you may wish to contact the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission at 1-717-787-4410.|&TNID=1024#14

He worked in Ohio