Why quitting rules!

so i quit work today. mostly because i wanted to, but partially because my boss(and his helper monkey) treat the other employees AND the customers like they dont matter. but thats not the point of this thread.

Quitting rules because:

  1. you didnt get fired.
  2. you can storm out like you have somewhere important to be
  3. you can leave a SHITload of work for your ex-employer and not feel bad about it.
  4. you feel a sense of accomplishment in that you feel GOOD about being jobless
  5. fu schnickens
  6. you know you left your ex-employer with no one to adequately do your job(this is because without 2 weeks notice he didnt have you train someone, hahahaha)
  7. you will ignore his calls to come back and “bang out a few rhinos for him”
  8. you will sleep in
  9. you will FINALLY do you work clothes laundry
  10. you will laugh when you drive by and see 5 trucks parked outside waiting for your job to be filled
  11. you will laugh when you read/see his ads on craigslist and understand what people were talking about when they say he was a HUGE bullshitter, i.e. the benny hinn christian wannabe type that pick people up by their ankles and shake out every last dime.
  12. you will laugh when you think about the goodtimes there. HAHAHAHA
  13. you can finally do the, “Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you, you’re cool, Fuck you, im out! peace :middlefinger:”

    …if you have any you would like to add to the list, whether through experience, or just something youve thought about…tell me why you think quitting rules…

Yea that seems like a good idea :tdown:…As im filling out this SF86 form for security clearance and they have a whole section about leaving on bad terms from a place of employment :lol:


  1. You can collect unemployment.
    Oh wait, not so much.

NOOOO, you’ll nevar have to be accountible for your past actions!!!

I was subject to a federal background search for my current position… and they literally looked into everything from age 18 - now.

Adults leave on good terms even if the job sucks. Two weeks son, hell i gave the Army my fucking two year notice!

Has any of the following happened to you in the last 7 years?
  1. Fired from a job.
  2. Quit a job after being told you’d be fired.
  3. Left a job by mutual agreement following allegations of misconduct.
  4. Left a job by mutual agreement following allegations of unsatisfactory performance.
  5. Left a job for other reasons under unfavorable circumstances.

10 years :frowning:

a. Have you ever been an officer or a member or made a contribution to an organization dedicated to the violent overthrow of the United States Government and which engages in illegal activities to that end, knowing that the organization engages in such activities with the specific intent to further such activities?
b. Have you ever knowingly engaged in any acts or activities designed to overthrow the United States Government by force?

lol thats what i was going to post.

  1. When applying for a new job you have to explain to your new prospective employer why you have a new job every 6 months.

Isn’t that thing intense goes over credit history and evereything down to parking tickets has to be claimed. For my top i had to claim anyone i even considered myself on bad terms with or have had arguements with hahah. Hey make sure you list me and it wil make your references checking go a ton easier. Let me know if you need current contact info.

So like, you worked at McDonalds?

Yea, i googled it: http://www.opm.gov/forms/pdf_fill/sf86.pdf

Same form.

Do youseld a favor, all the people that you list on there, give em a heads up if you can… I got a bunch of phone calls & texts asking me “what is this shit? what do you want me to say?” lol.

http://images.rottentomatoes.com/images/movie/custom/73/1188773.jpg looking good drew

LOL. 91MR2’s new tennant is now unemployed.

Oh, and the letter your refs recieve will ask them a multitude of questions, but my favorite was: “Would you trust your child to this person? If so, for how long? If not, why?”

This thread would have been funny 4-5 years ago on UBRF…

This is NYSpeed version 3.0…a lot more mature…

alot more mature





Oh yea, its a relative term…

lol don’t do that in a real job.

You know once you get your secret you can appy for a top as long as you have “reason” for it and get get a lifetime approval so it dosen’t have to be redone after 10 years. lol probably don’t need it but it is not much hassle at all.

WTF is this some movie? I haven’t even heard of it man i am out of touch. On current deployment scheduling it is looking like i am going to get stoplossed unless the dems win and change rotations actually. My ETS(day i get out) has already been pushed back 5 months.

Word homie.

no shit… maybe i should take care oft hat before I bounce.