Thread locking... how is it really suposed to work?

Ill go over and poop on your desk.

it was a simple question to the fourm thats all. I am sure I am not the ONLY one with that question. I do enjoy this place, I just like to know how things roll, thats all man.

why isn’t this locked yet

:ahh Shift 518: Mutha Fuggin Free-For-All S0N!!!

Cause it prolly doesnt meet the minimum requiremnts to be Locknizzeled legitimatly.

It just seemed like you were all grumpy about it. F it, its just a forum jabroney!

That’s exactly what happens. It should be a 5 lock rule or just up to mods as well to see the 3 lock thread and decide if it should be locked or not. A lot of dick sucking and ball swinging around here.

watch Benny swoops in and lock me up to prove me wrong. lol

i dont think the mods give a rats ass whether 3 people say lock or not.

its up to the discression of the mods and mods only.

now do me a favor, go put some gauze on those Anal fissures u have because they are bleeding all over shift.

STFU or I’m calling NYC animal control.

lock 1
ban 1 for all posters in this thread including myself
permaban 1 for wain and 91too49

Thats what I am thinkin too… just because 3 miscreants can figure out a way to all post LOCK simultaneously shouldn’t be the end all be all to killin a thread.

Not grumpy kiid, tis friday! Seeeeee. i told you someone else cares too. see above. :slight_smile:


Way to swing the hammer.

He doesn’t count, he’s the most butt-hurt kid I know :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

and it is DEFINITELY friday!!! Wish it was my pass-day though!

In before thread lock!


hey asshat why don’t you just lock it!!!1

IBTB!!! ahahaha

You douche nozzle!!! IBTL!!!

lock up this stoopid thread and throw that shit in the trash!

GTFO with all your hard to understand, dont want to go google search out hard core internet lingo.

Lock you for not spelling correctly.

fail fail fail

u now die!