Thunder in the Burgh

2 years ago was pretty good except the rain…

tell me about it but at least we got the event in.

i personally liked the stunters. imo

they will be down there this year. they did a great job.

$40 to race for one day is ruff. They only do 3 x 1 Hour sessions on saturday…to much to much

is it this coming weekend???

yes it is.

yep 9th, 10th and 11th

I’d love to go to take pictures but I’m swamped with weddings. Good luck to anyone racing and I hope it’s a great turnout.

I beleive i will be there sunday and prob running em if i can:booty:

i got a nibble on my car for sale, if it doesnt sell this week, i’ll be there

you ready to line up!~!!

i’ll probably try to make it down. sounds pretty cool. my car’s still too slow to bother running though.

im looking forward to this, i gotta go downtomorrow and start getting the track preped. plus setup the fences and whatnot.

I ll be there me and a bunch of people are riding the bikes down

long day today but the track is pretty much setup all we need is the tree and then it will be ready.

ill go down and make afew passes tonight lol

hahaha, go for it. just watch out for the PRP security guys.

hah fuck them, they suck at the track what makes them do anything down the city. worthless fucks

In for sunday.

(bike or car, not sure)