Ticket Question

Alright so heres the story b/c its kinda funny how the cop reacted if u dont care about the story skip to the end…well me and some friends were bored so we decided to go down to woodlawn beach. This is all at about 10:30-11 and we did it to watch the lightning. So we get there no1 around and we walked down the beach a few times. Mind you its 2 guys and 2 girls just walking around. So we get back to the car and officer d bag floors it to us spot light and everything gets out of the car. " What the fuck are you doing at my beach after hours?!!" " Get your fucking id’s out right now!" "Whos fucking car is this?..i anser my dad he responds WHO THE FUCK DROVE I SAID?!..not what he said but i said me and basically the guy was on a power trip.So no1 else had an id but me so he takes my id and registration card then speeds off somewhere…dont know where he went. came back with a ticket “Entering Closed Property”. All im wondering is what exactly am i lookin at?

What jurisdiction? Hamburg?


Hmm, dont know anyone in hamburg, guess you where in the wrong place at the wrong time. Sucks cops have to be such asses but he was doing his job though, not saying being a dick is part of it.

Yeah we knew we were in the wrong but i was kinda just expecting a “get out of here” but this dude was on a serious power trip. It was 4 ppl 2 girls 2 guys just walking around not doing anything wrong but being there i dont reeally know why he freaked shit specially in front of 2 girls…cops have a lot of class. fuckin tool.

So many people viewing someone has to know…

$50 at the most…If it’s hamburg tell the DA what happened and they will most likely drop it… Hamburg court is pretty cool.

I think you’re going to be convicted of Class II Engrish.

were you in the supra…

Hahahahaha no thank god i wasn’t. I didnt have the registration with me it’s sitting on my microwave haha. Cop probably would have arrested me or shot me. Dude was crazy.