Anybody have contacts/hookups v.Hamburg PD?

speeding…got ticket… pissed.

any hook ups?

if not, no worries…figured i would ask anyways :slight_smile:


were you speeding to your girlfriends house for some booty?


speeding to my house to buy some of my amazing Columbian Bam-Bam.

pm me ticket info. I’ll do what I can.

have fun. they will give you there lovely 8 hr driving school

pm sent


HAHAH OMG HAHAHAHA…i see what you did there…you quoted her…and put…BOYFRIEND instead of GIRLFRIEND…GOD DAMN YOU ARE ORIGINAL!!! HAHAHAHA



not helping nick


How fast ?

drink 4 for family guy reference

hmmm so fresh, got any titanic jokes while were hitting them at the height of their popularity? hmmmm u are so fresh!!

damn Aaron

12 over

and bump

wtf…can a mod edit idiots post above me to keep this work safe

Bunch of cops are friends of my family, even the DA (Gaughn)

Needless to say, me nor my brother have gotten a ticket in Hamburg and I grew up there.

ok well telling him how u didnt get a ticket wont help. aaron just go to court. it probably will be dropped to a 50 ddollar parking ticket. you probably wont even get school as you are not so young. 12 over is nothing.

Pm me the officers name… ill see what i can do… its a long shot… but w/e

lol…well thanks for the info, but this doesnt help me :stuck_out_tongue:

thx for trying will.

im not holding my breath on someone getting me outta this…but it was worth a shot.

if i have to deal with it i will :slight_smile: