Anybody have contacts/hookups v.Hamburg PD?

. (delete)

A bunch of Hamburg cops are friends with my mother and myself, including the DA. They have all gotten me out of tickets, so how would that not help you?

I’m offering you help but I guess you don’t want any :bloated:

Just go to court on time, plead not guilty to the DA. You’ll get a couple parking tickets and porbably school.

So here’s the deal. You ONLY got 12 over. The fine won’t be that much, and you probably won’t go to school.

I went there last week, 16 over, $85 fine, no school. Everytime I’ve been there, it’s because of more than 15 over, and it’s always less than $100.

lol…i’ll def use the help. Just saying…it was funny how you worded ur post :stuck_out_tongue:

if you could help at all…believe me, i would appreciate it A LOT.