Cheetowaga Speeding

Got my first speeding ticket in the STi today. 55 in a 40, Im not pissed cause I was definitely speeding the cop had no personality though, i was having trouble pulling my wallet out i say to him “guess im getting too fat” he didnt even blink. Just wondering if anyone ever got a ticket there before and if its the standard stuff, go in plead not guilty pay a fine and go to school? Anyone know what their typical fine is there?

Thanks ahead of time kiddies.

cheektowaga is bad man… good luck

cheektowaga = Gestapo.

ah god man, cheektavegas… might wanna get a lawyer, just look at the threads in here and on ubrf

me and addicted2boost got a couple tickets from them…mine got reduced with no problem and school

What was the fine, if you can rememeber?

in front of a cop, he did a “FWD drift” off the 90 onto william :lol:

I think he meant what you had to pay :bloated:

when they impounded my car because the registration was wrong…I asked them how I should go about fixing it and getting everything straightened out so I can get my car back…the cop at the station said “stop trying to pull this crap on me…i’m not stupid” I told him I had no idea what he was talking about…i just wanted to do the right thing so I could get my car back :gotme: he was a complete turd…good luck Rob! I had to pay like 75.00 just to get a relaease on my car so i’m sure it will be double that for the ticket atleast:(

I’m sure they will give you some sort of deal, just show up in court with the Not Guilty, and then accept whatever “deal” they give you.

You didn’t get pinched on Walden Ave did you?


At union and walden.

time for a v1…getting mine soon

i thkn it was like 85 + cost of school…and yes it was a FWD Drift…while Jay did a RWD Drift

That sucks to hear, I speed down walden all the time. My V1 seems to find the businesses around there, but never any cops, maybe I should start paying attention when it goes off down that street, I’m allways going more than ten over when I’m late for work. :wink:


On the way home im always getting passed by people doing 60 on walden, never once saw a cop, figues the one day i take union home i get nailed. this was after i passed the police station and started to get on the gas again too…

I was just looking on the ticket, the date isn’t visible at all, now i have to call there a find out what day he had written on it.

Yea it should be pretty standard stuff. I got a 70 in 55 on the 33. Went to traffic school and dropped the ticket to a “disobeyed traffic dev”.

kimotek ain’t that bad…

actually last time I was there he threw me in jail.

fuck him

I got my first DWI in cheek. Went to court with no lawyer and it was dropped totally.

your FIRST ? as in you have multipal?

I should have 4. But then I grew some brains.