Ugh.. what a f*n day..

Started @ 4:30 am downtown… MEPS (Military Entrance Processing Station)… I wasn’t oringally on file because of some fax error, so it took a while for them to find out what to do w/ me… during my waiting I had to write a paper that was due for Psy101 today, after that I had to go get pictures taken for the PLC application…

then I was omw to work… when a trooper pulled me over (58/55, i checked when his lights went on, it was lunch hour on the 90, no real room to speed if I wanted to)… threw me no front plate and outdated inspection (on the s2k)… the first bs tickets ive gotten ever… honestly no idea why he pulled me over, although it is the end of the month… now I’m not saying I wasnt breaking the law or whatever, but I’ve had these tickets before and usually I deserved them because I was doing something stupid at the time (ie. speeding and he didnt have his radar on)… so I don’t know who pissed in this guys cheerios this morning…

hows cheektowaga court?

no front plate. thats :hay:

yeah… that was just brought to my attention…

is it shit on tom day? I musta missed that memo…


:lol: actually its kinda like free advertising

now my sleep schedule is all f*d up…


not that it was in mint condition to begin with…

cheektowaga court isnt bad

doing 55 in a 54… damn dude :tdown:


yea ive been there… a few times lol they are cool

yeahh my mom called me today and was telling be she has never seen so many troopers gicing people tickets before…sorry to hear that man :frowning:

if you do it within 24 hours just throw on your front plate, go to cheek. police dept and they’ll drop the ticket.

word do it today if you have time

Kimotek (sp its too early) isnt a bad guy. I ditched court a couple times to go to driving school to get some points off my license, and when i did show up, I got arrested. WTF… show up for court, get thrown in jail.

When you see him say

Dzien Dubry (Jen Dub Ray)

he’s old skool polloko… he’ll let you off.

Troopers usually clock you first, pull behind you, then turn their lights on. IE you were probably going a lot faster than 58 when he initially saw you speeding.

That and a BRIGHT YELLOW SPORTY VERT with someone who looks like they are 16 driving with no front plate and expired inspection kinda scream “look at me and pull me over.”

No… I said I wasnt speeding… I was in traffic… there were many cars infront of me… and many cars behind me… itd be physically impossible for me to speed (unless I was driving through vehicles like a ghost, which still falls under physically impossible), he got on the 90 at the 33 just as I was passing by, he was on my right side, got behind me, and turned on his lights… I dont even know how he saw I had no front plate… reguardless… he had no time to clock me w/out radar… and well, the v1 doesnt lie.

called the court… they wont dismiss it… ‘not a dismissable charge’

front plate is dismissable if you go to the police station within 24 hrs. i’ve had too many “fix-it” tickets to count from cheektowaga police you just gotta BS with them.

no front plate - “my plate bracket was broken but i had the dealer repair it this morning” then the officer walks outside, looks at plate, and takes your ticket.

done this at least 5x back when i had my integra

Uh -

Last time i checked, if the speed limit says 55, anything over is speeding.

threw me no front plate and outdated inspection (on the s2k)… the first bs tickets ive gotten ever… honestly no idea why he pulled me over, although it is the end of the month… now I’m not saying I wasnt breaking the law or whatever, but I’ve had these tickets before and usually I deserved them because I was doing something stupid at the time (ie. speeding and he didnt have his radar on)… so I don’t know who pissed in this guys cheerios this morning…

breaking the law is breaking the law, i got pulled over specifically for my no front plate. An expired inspection is like saying “please pull me over” especially if it’s a diff color than the current ones.

I got nailed on the 400 yesterday. Apparently they (west seneca police) can also tell speed without any form or radar/laser. End of the month and those cops need thier salaries!:roll2:

You arnt getting the point… 99% of traffic on the road is going 0-7mph or faster than the speed limit, probably a good 25-30% of people dont have front plates… HE WAS ON THE SIDE OF MY VEHICLE, GETTING ON THE HIGHWAY, meaning the left side of me… making it impossible to see my inspection sticker while hes driving… and he didnt even comment on it till halfway through the conversation when he probably just noticed it…

Now for my point for anyone that STILL doesnt understand it… Usually, you don’t recieve tickets like these unless you are doing something stupid, IE. doing 10+mph faster than TRAFFIC, or peeling out, or cutting off people, etc etc… USUALLY if youre driving nonaggresively with the rest of traffic they tend to leave you alone…

Troopers usually arnt out to get people unless they are deserving it… I know this… because 3 of my relatives are officers…

anyone needing mspaint crime scene photos let me know…

Nice made up percentages. lol. Rather inaccurate I’d say.

Now, for my point that you seem to be missing.

I reiterate :

you drive a BRIGHT YELLOW VERT and you look like you are 16.

That screams pull me over