Time to get serious, Kserious

holy shit couple people find out im building the engine and the hate starts damn


Starting rolls in a Camaro? smh.

why because it takes more effort then just a 3rd to 4th shift?

plus its the closest i can get smokin to a dig haha


yep, i usually feel the same way about your posts…

the general is getting serious up in hurrrr

uhh yah… little bit of a different setup.

If I suggested that back there, I was kidding.

petes always gettin serious

I wasn’t talking to you Murrdog.

Alright good… my bad.

To be honest… I couldn’t care less about who I beat or don’t beat, not building the car to be the fastest in the world. I just got riled up because smokinssssss hated on jiggs with very little knowledge about what he was talking about.

thats what im saying

you were talking to me then I take it? Can you really hate on me for liking a 20 roll NOW that I can get the power down? Im not a fucking supra where my car is just beginning to move at 120.





This set up will max out the 4088 if Jiggs’ work holds together :ohnoes:ohnoes:ohnoes

<<<< not SScaredddd

Ok ssscooter

Not scared at all. We WILL be lining up, you better have slicks ready. That goes for you too, Smokey. :slight_smile: