Time to get serious, Kserious

It prob won’t prob gonna throw a rod on start up like all the other engines I’ve done

I hope not since youll be helpin with my ssset up too

pshhh. Your the least of my worrys.


Use it you retarded fucks

I want to line up at some point Kevin. I will finish this forsaken turbo setup this year.

Aww yeah things gonna blow to

Fuck off, my post is here where it belongs as it was directed to OP.

Il line up with whoever man… its all fun to me.

haters gon hate

united states domestic market.

USDM is redundant when you refer to it as such when in the United States. :slight_smile:

But we should let the technicalities slide 'cause I want to keep on reading about how Car X on small shot is heavily favored to beat Car Y on Jackstands + Rush Order UPS parts…

i WILL be the judge of that.:ponder

it was fun for me too until you said “im going to need the biggest shot I have”…

we will see

OMG CALM DOWN!!!:ahh:ahh:ahh:ahh:ahh:ahh:ahh:ahh:ahh:ahh:ahh

I am calm lol

Nope. :ahh

It was all fun to me until you started taking shots at my friend…

You take this whole street racing thing wayyyyyyy too s-s-s-serioussss.

Wasn’t my intention to start talking shit… just got caught up in the moment I guess. Il be happy if my car just runs the way it’s supposed too.

why dont we just settle it like business men used to. with a good ol’ fashioned tied-ankle knife fight?

well then I guess we both have a reason now to actually do what we say…

Russian roulette is much more fun