Time to get serious, Kserious

sick. My life is now complete.

Bench racing… Yay

your not use to it now? its what we do here.

Thread Music

No one likes the tuna here

Fast and furious quotes ITT


the black one is spraying obviously

Color blind? You been doing nitrous shots with stevo?

brown/’ black…they are both dark so who gives a fuck

lance, i love you.

Im just concerned that you’ve been using that nitrous, your so fond of, in a manner of which be harming your body.

no man, it would be clear if he was using non medical grade nitrous to get high, he would have gross deformities, seriously stunted growth, and complete lack of communication and motor skills.


I lol’d, +rep

kkk srs in here

Just made an offer on a low miles ep3 tranny thanks to a lead from psi2high, thanks sean.

Also got my head studs and head gasket in. I would post pictures but I think people know what they look like, so relax korEy.

when do you think itll be road ready?

My original goal was mid april… now I think I would be lucky to get it out around may first. Once I get the parts in everything can go to the machine shop and then once I get it back, its just doing the work. Right now I’m just playing the waiting game. Even bigger problem that I’m worried about is getting a tune date. If I can’t get a tuning date before I start my summer job Il be pretty fucked.

Please get the plate:


Good luck bud hope you can get this build done asap