Been doing some serious part collecting as you can see…
Greddy sandwich plate
The infamous Id1000’s
A chunky’s chain tensioner. Il give some back drop for this. The k20’s Achilles heel is the timing chain tensioner, when it fails, bad shit happens. Most legit solution is the hybrid racing tensioner… which is 300 dollars:eek
So instead… with the help of a friend, I found a more economical option. This guy with the alias “Chunky” did his own research and upgraded stock timing chains. For 110 dollars he modifies brand new chain tensioners, 50 dollars brand new, and then sends him out.
Also got my 044 fuel pump to accompany my walboro 255
o0o0o0o rodzzzz
I’m still waiting on some other things. My new LSD will be here tomorrow. My manifold will hopefully be shipping out at the end of the week… Im praying. My tune date is tentatively set for may 20th. As may closes in I become more excited and nervous all at the same time. I start my summer job on may 23rd so if I don’t get it tuned may 20th I’m gonna have some problems. The motor will be out of the machine shop next week and if Im lucky built shortly after. Build is gonna come down to the wire considering I have finals and graduation and other shit to worry about. Just gonna hope for the best.
what does he do to modify the chain tensioner?
Your barricade of pics looks like in the first fast and furious when all the parts for brian’s Supra are laid out of the ground.
I’m excited man!
Can you see this?
Looks like its coming along man! As long as theres no delays…cant wait to see it done.
Thanks man :thumbup
Hot diggity damn balling son
Holy damn every pic is out of focus!! Put that bish on macro mode (flower icon).
haha man… I guarantee whatever smart phone your using has a better camera than the piece of shit im using. :rofl
use the camera on your fancy mac KELVIN
shut your MOUTH brirn
Is this thing done yet KYLE
Don’t make me eat your vtec… but NO its not done YET. Hopefully soon though.
Well i-vtec you vtec, we all vtec.
awww yeahhh
Got my tax refund… $597, 3 dollars short of how much tune is going to be :rofl
Going to pick up the block from the machine shop… pictures will follow
Head will be done tomorrow.
pumped to see this ripppping on the streetz
Ive never had a block machined before… it looks awesommmmme