Time to get serious, Kserious

HAha good luck Murr. Text me and let me know how you make out tomm.

very sad I can’t be there to see it finished or on the dyno. I’m 99.9% sure it’ll be on the dyno at 10am though

it better be

So I figured I would give a bit of a recap of what went on today and last night before I clean my garage.

This week was ridiculous. I cannot thank Lance and Joe jiggs enough for their help. B-ri came over as well and organized my tools which was probably the best thing anyone could do. Sunday night the motor was put in, to give you a feel of what kind of work was done this week. Lance and I put in on average 10 hour days everyday. Joe came over twice… but last night we worked straight through the night.

The good news is that the car runs and runs well.

The bad news is that the lines that were fashioned were nowhere near good enough.

The outcome… car did not get dyno’d. Due to me starting my summer job monday, I am having synapse clean up what needs to be cleaned up and then I will have the car dyno’d

I’m not all that disappointed, I’m just glad that when its done, I won’t have to worry about any bullshit. Thanks again to those who helped me.

Strong work buddy and sorry it didnt work out as planned. Cant wait to see this thing out soon.

^^^ ohhh thats so cute

Dont you have some shit to be polishing?

yayy MVP

I do look forward to seeing it all done.

Thanks guys, building this thing, with help of course, has been one hell of a ride. Just getting it started was amazing… jiggs and I ran out of the garage yelling and screaming at 3am, shortly after my dad flipped out.

But that’s pretty sweet that this is all done. Welcome to the world of turbz

I drove it out of my drive way and over to underboosted’s truck… I love the twin disc.

Everyone appreciates twins… unless of course they are gingers.


Looks like Carrot Top x2

I did my best… I searched “hot ginger twins,” lots of chicks getting fucked came up.

She’s not that far off. It’ll be there soon enough.

even tho I hate you, goodluck. Morgan will make it right.


Haha that night sucked I was so tired damn