Time Traveler Found in 1928 Video?

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to travel through time. It is something that is made up or better known as “fiction”

Looks like some nasty human being that was hiding its face from the MASSIVE highly noticeable camera from 1928.

Or could be a hearing aid.

Not time travel. But def cool find.

I cant get my verizon phone to pick up signal in my basement and their signal apparently travels through time…

In theory, travelling through time is possible. There’s no way to execute the theory though.

If you could travel back in time, would’nt you have the ability to go back and not be caught on film?
Moral: never trust old people?

If it was a phone it would make Nikola Tesla proud :stuck_out_tongue:

Moral: never let WOMEN time travel.

Who wraps their hand around their phone when they talk?

she or him lets call it “IT” . . . IT’s prolly a crazy street walker talking to a block of wood or trash . . . they crazy people back in the 20’s no ? lol

i dont think time travel will be proven nor do it think its possible or at least with in this life term, ill never live to see the day so why bother wasting valued time on this subject.

bring this to the guys on mythbusters as they proved the walk on the moon wasnt staged when most thought it was, maybe they can make sense of this mess

its Illuminati sending us a message of some sort… (shifty eyes)


Its dat illuminati shit…

Probably legit. The womans on the phone with her insurance company claiming she crashed her time machine.

This shit made it to the front page of CNN…fuck our lives


Wonder if she got a free dataplan from Jeff

Jeff don’t hook hoes up with data plans, only bros…bro

WOW, all I can say about that.

…they have ZERO things to cover nowadays so they put up THIS?


Made Fox News under Sci Tech on the main page.


lol no time travel is not possible. Not as the conscious living entity you exist as now. That whole “getting stretched to an infinite length” thing as space and time warp at a worm hole would tend to dead you long before any of your particles found their way to different 4-D coordinates.

It always amazes me how arrogant science is. “Based on a few hundred years of real scientific advancement I can say with certainly we will never be able to achieve X”. In the short time modern man has been around we’ve gone from bashing seeds with rocks for food to harnessing the power unleashed when you split the atom. Who’s to say what we will be capable of after a million years of scientific advancement (assuming we don’t kill ourselves off as a species entirely before that).

We’ve just started to unlock how the mind stores memories. Maybe in a million years we’ll be able to disassemble our bodies down to a particle level, transport them through a wormhole we’ve unlocked, then reassemble ourselves and reload our memories on the other side. It sounds impossible today but I’m sure nanobots sounded impossible just 200 years ago.