Time Warner Business Class DNS

Anyone else having issues with Time Warner lately?

It’s down right now…

They just failed over to other servers.

piece of shit.


boxxa don’t be jealous I play with big boy routers

came home from work and it was down, just came back on. this is in addition to having to unplug my fucking cable box at least once a day

just called fios, will be installed next week cant wait, fuck time warner i hate their fucking faces

lol ass


I use google’s dns servers because TWs dns servers aren’t very reliable.

they’re and

LZ, Can you make my internet go faster? This 15/2 pack is slow as fuck.

Yea call and order the 30x5 or 50x5

LZ do you have a hang tag for TW? If so scan it in color and send it to me :slight_smile:

Engineering works out of lancaster not the water front.


gotta find someone else who works there.

I have that router!

Who doesn’t