Time Warner DVR/Adelphia DVR?

Just wondering… I’ve seen all of the Time Warner DVR commercials, and it actually looks decent, unlike the old adelphia one. Did any of you guys get switched over to the new DVR service? Or do all of yours still look like the old adelphia shit? Do i need to do something to make it switch over? I tried calling Time Warner about it, and i got switched over to “Time Warner pricing” which is now cheaper, however it still looks like old adelphia GUI.

anyone know about this?

i have the scientific atlanta 8300hd dvr box. I think its the standard one for time warner. Its the same GUI as I have back home in Hornell and that has never been anything but Time Warner

Also call them up and take your box down to the Chicago St. location, or just stop down and tell them you want to switch it out. They will swap it out and you will be good with it.

I dig mine hasn’t had a flaw yet.

there are new boxs out?

whats the old box?


in some markets there is the motorolla box, i heard its craptastic

yeah the 8300hd is the one I have now, so if its the same as the old, dunno…It works and thats all that matters.

yea i have the 8300HD - does everyone have the same tan/purple GUI or does it look like the Blue/Grey in the Time Warner commercials?

I have blue/grey.

hmm what the hell, wonder how to get it updated… did anyone go from the “old” look to the new ? or only new subscribers?

dude just admit, you suck at technology :bloated:

so does your mom

go listen to some mo JT

Tis the same, hasn’t changed a bit for me.

if you hit the settings button twice you can change the color scheme

really? i’ll have to try that :tup:

I was going to say… you can adjust the color scheme to all sorts of crap.

yea this changes the colors but the GUI in the TW commercials is totally different than the Adelphia one, I wasn’t really looking to just get different colors but more-so the better functioning DVR :stuck_out_tongue:

take a picture of your screen to see what gui you have compared to the 8300 i have.

I have a feeling they are the same and what you saw in the commerical was just random bs

the motorola is a shit box, and has a blue GUI, not the standard 8300HD box

Stick with the Scientific Atlanta box. Motorolla box sucks.