are the newer time warner boxes better?

I’ve had a scientific atlanta time warner box for about 5 years now. The basic HD box, no DVR or anything like that.

Randomly the guide will freeze and not respond at all, then it will be laggy. Other times it will work blazing fast.

I thought they fixed the problem when they pushed down the new style guide to my box, but now it is back again.

My brother has a new samsung box, and has had no problems.

Should I call them to get a new box, or is this just system lag?

I’m sure Jabbu will post up but yea the newer boxes are better.

I had the same problem. TW came out 7 times to “fix” the issue. Eventually they admitted our area had a problem with over capacity.

We switched to FiOS, no looking back.

The other side of this is most of the techs who come out don’t know anything and make up crazy story’s

^ We kind of figured as much. I’ll admit I liked TW, they were great with customer service and sending people out. We just grew tired of freezing TV and slow internet.

When I worked there I had them come to my house and make up all kinds of bs rather entertaining.

I also had trouble with my TV freezing. I didn’t have to get a new box. If you unplug everything and let it sit for 10-15 minutes and then plug it all back in and reboot the box it should take care of the problem. At least it did with mine. I seem to have more problems with the remote. I usually trade it in for a new one every couple months because it doesn’t respond. (yes I changed the batteries, didn’t help)

What are the new boxes. FiOS uses Cisco boxes now.

Yeah I did that twice, let it sit overnight unplugged. The box takes like 15 minutes to reboot once you unplug it. Guess I’ll call them tomorrow and see if I can swap out a box.

Timewarner also uses Cisco boxes

SA is owned by Cisco

build a win 7 home theater PC to be you cable box.

I did, it takes about 2 years to pay for itself if you factor no longer paying for DVR and the box and the remote each month. lots of extra features like being able to record 4 things at once.

they are sleek much smaller samsung boxes now. I just upgraded in the fall and its been much better. No freezing.

my new one still sux…although it seems to be a bit better that i put a signal booster in…

It really comes down to the software on the boxes should have never been built with java


I love java nobody ever updates it and everyone runs unsigned applets


Doesn’t it also install into the system32 folder? Also pre 6.12 each version would install side by side. Java fucking sucks.

We went through 2 of the older style Scientific Alanta ones in about a year and then they gave us a new one and it has been much better. A few nights ago it froze for the first time ever and once they re-booted it, it was fine.

We just started having issues with our current cable box in the living room, but not the other ones in the house, can that still be part of the over capacity in the area deal?


actually looking to buildig a media center to run XBMC…details on your rig if u dont mind?