^ We kind of figured as much. I’ll admit I liked TW, they were great with customer service and sending people out. We just grew tired of freezing TV and slow internet.
I also had trouble with my TV freezing. I didn’t have to get a new box. If you unplug everything and let it sit for 10-15 minutes and then plug it all back in and reboot the box it should take care of the problem. At least it did with mine. I seem to have more problems with the remote. I usually trade it in for a new one every couple months because it doesn’t respond. (yes I changed the batteries, didn’t help)
Yeah I did that twice, let it sit overnight unplugged. The box takes like 15 minutes to reboot once you unplug it. Guess I’ll call them tomorrow and see if I can swap out a box.
build a win 7 home theater PC to be you cable box.
I did, it takes about 2 years to pay for itself if you factor no longer paying for DVR and the box and the remote each month. lots of extra features like being able to record 4 things at once.
We went through 2 of the older style Scientific Alanta ones in about a year and then they gave us a new one and it has been much better. A few nights ago it froze for the first time ever and once they re-booted it, it was fine.
We just started having issues with our current cable box in the living room, but not the other ones in the house, can that still be part of the over capacity in the area deal?