time warner price help

I called today to change my cable from standard cable to the one with the HD channels (digital? I’m a cable noob). Right now I’m also getting internet from them also.

Here is what he offered: 200 more channels in HD. As I recall he said the first box is no cost per month. Each additional box is $8.00 per month.

The total price for the HD cable with internet would be $119 per month; this is excluding the cable boxes which would cost an additional $8 per month, per TV. I feel like I can do better, but he stated he couldn’t alter the price.

[FONT=Verdana]I think I can get a better price. Any suggestions? [/FONT]

Their HD offering sucks. DirecTV has more HD stations. I’m actually dropping TW cable because of their limited HD stations and because I can’t find a way to get their standard rez stations to fill my screen without stretching the shit out of it.
Driving me nuts! I must also say I’ve heard a few negotiations go down with them where they weren’t willing to budge to keep a loyal customer. I’m not too fond of that either. I guess my point with that is I don’t think they are trained nor allowed to do much for you. JMHO

I’ve been with DirecTV for 3+ years now and am glad I held off on canceling while TW was being installed for me.

The cable modem…that I’ll keep cause Verizon DSL blows. LOL

If fios was offered in my area I would switch to that. DirectTV requires a dish, which I don’t think I want.

lol did you try changing the settings on the box

tw internet sucks dick compared to fios. worst mistake evAr

Durrrrr. Wait there’s settings??? LMAO :wink:
Of course. Disabled all but 1080i (since the box doesn’t do 1080p BLAH). Enabled stretch.
HD fills the screen but standard def does not unless I blow out the stretch on my TV settings to compensate for the TW box.

By all means if I’m missing something help me out and provide me with info. Otherwise I’ll just assume you’re defending your employer which is cool as well. :slight_smile:
In any event they are limited in HD channels in comparison so I’ll be staying with DirecTV for now. Also…whats up with the shitty compression TW seems to run? I get artifacts and overall nowhere near as clear an image from a hard wire as I do over the air.

---------- Post added at 12:05 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:03 AM ----------

FIOS is not available in my area. Verizon are cocksuckers, worse than TW in my experience so far anyhow. I’ve only been with TW for 2 weeks or something though, plenty of time to prove they suck like all other companies. Customer service is extinct it seems. 8(