Lots of anger in here for $4 a month
I had my own motorola modem years ago that I had uncapped… TWC apparently cared about that
Fuck them that’s my 4 dollars it’s almost a tank of gas. Also isn’t the internet rate going from 49.99 to 54.99 or something? Seriously the rates keep going up and you get less and less. KazyKid has a point there have been no lines in the sand drawn for years. In every aspect of living the colonist flipped shit over a tea tax… Fast forward today Gas prices sky rocket which causes everything else to go up by effect. We sit back and take it, they want to raise toll prices around here which will effect prices of food ect…odds are we will take it.:Idiots I’m just one of those guys willing to attempt to fuck the system.
While most people sit back and say meh no big deal. Reminds me of an old quote
First they came for the socialists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Jew.
Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.
I had the Motorola SBG900, wireless router/modem in one for a year, I think it was free after a rebate. It sucked. Would always shut off, or just drop signal… went back to using their modem, with a Netgear wireless, now if I have problems I call and bitch. Its very satisfying to have someone to point anger at, for only $4 a month. Thats $48 a year, or less than a tank of gas for anything but the lawn mower.
I have one man with the balls to stand up beside me. :rofl Fuck the lazy haters right my friend!
The trip amsterdam to exit 24 is almost $2 now. I remember when it was like a buck. The just hike it up .10 or so a pop when they choose to. And the thruway was suposed to be FREE when it was pitched way back in the day. “once the tolls paid for the roads”… LOL SUREEEEE
Everytime the rate goes up, I call and threaten to cancel. It’s not that hard. I’ve had my bil l reduced $40 a month now.
This plan could easily fix our unemployment rate. Increased service calls would lead to increase workforce. TWC could be the largest employer in the north east. Good call man… who cares about the presidency when we have the most effective plan laid out yet by one of our own.
/\ LOL
what do I know, I am mentally unstable says Dr. Dan Sully
:rofl, i feel like we’re chasing each other on the internetz. lmao
If we don’t fight for anything we will lose everything soon we will have a data cap mark my words.
Why can’t you poor people just buy more money??
:rofl Wayne
Same thing happened with me, switched back to TWC and saved a bundle compared to what i was paying TWC, then a shit ton more than verizon was charging. Plus they left some robot thing in my basement…guess all the Verizon customers will be paying for that some day :shrug:
HEYYYYYYYYY, LOOK. We’ll see what happens…
No shit huh. People sticking up for something and not bending over like you suggested, and it actually worked.
Not exactly, if you read the report you would know that its a corporate lawsuit and not “people rising up against tcw”. Just saying…
Either way, I could care less. :dunno
Actually, it’s Class Action (two of them)…aka “People standing up against the company.”
Regardless, I have no issue paying an extra $4 a month if that money was truly going to be used to improve service.
TWC’s Cable/DVR boxes SUCK ASS, and their lack of FiOS like service (meaning insane upload speeds) pisses me off. I want FiOS just for that reason, upload speed. 30down/5up is nice, but I’d rather have 25down/25up.
Yea, That is pretty crazy.
what do you have my eyeballs wire tapped and streaming to your iPhone? How do you know how much or how little I read, let alone understand.
I must have miscomprehended the concept of a class action law suit. I always thought that was when someone sues a company over something that impacts not only themselves (plaintiff) but other people as well, and said judgment would be in regards to the plaintiff and everyone else it might impact (in this case fellow customers) who aren’t directly talking to the judge. Then the settlement is issued to ALL PARTIES, said judgment might fall under, so long as those outside the courtroom respond to the letter in the mail.
Please explain how you think that’s incorrect?