Mark's SRT re-do -- no traction at all :) page 5

I pulled my plugs today to check and see how the motor is doing. To properly read a plug, they say you should turn your car off at the top of a gear, and immediatly pull them, but… you can still get a sense of what is going on in the motor by checking them anytime after. The plugs look no different post-nitrous than they did pre-nitrous. The ceramic is white from the meth keeping them clean, the ground is in good condition, and the tip is all there still :tup:

There are a few specs on the plugs, but maybe… 3 or 4 microscopic specs per plug, which I see on all of these cars. You can see bad detonation when there are actual chunks on the plugs, but this is just … whatever is in the chamber I believe. Either way, the motor seems to be healthy!

Next step is a set of LS1 ARP rod bolts to make sure the bottom end holds together. In the process, I may do a set of head bolts, or at least re-torque them, and do a new timing belt / check the tension of everything, etc… I want this motor to last as long as possible, or at least until I get a spare block.
