I don’t know But, I am still going with it. So far, my car went 12.0 @ 119, highest trap of 120.4, both of which were full interior (2750 lbs without me in it), 25.7" M&H Racemaster Street/Strip slicks, and 100 octane fuel and meth. I just couldn’t seem to break into the 11’s with that setup. I was very consistent, pulling 7.9 1/8th @ 95.5 over and over, and 1.9 60’ times, but thats as good as I could get. I tried a bunch of things, and just no more. I am spinning through second gear, so the slicks I had were just not working for my application.
So… I ordered up a set of these:
They are a smaller tire, only being 24.5" tall, but they are wider, and an actual wrinkle wall full race slick. The M&H ones I had were for the street and strip, and I could just not get the traction that I need to go 11’s.
I am hoping to go maybe even as quick as 11.7 just by bolting these up and practicing. I should be able to pull 1.7’s, and then pick up another tenth or two just in my 330’ by not spinning through second. I may also pick up some MPH. I talked to PSI Chick who went 11.5 in her similar setup to mine, and she picked up 4 mph when she went from a 26" slick to a 24.5" slick. I am not expecting to pick up 4 mph, but even if I picked up 1, that would be an improvement.
Next, I had a NOS Sniper wet kit sitting in my basement for a while now, and I had no motivation to hook it up. My car makes 343/371 on pump gas, and then 400/400 on race gas, and that is fine for me… until I saw this:
This guy has a very close setup to mine. He made 365/410 on race gas, without the nitrous. So, he picked up 97 whp and 143 ft/lb on the 55 wet shot he did! That is amazing. I saw this, and then immediately went outside and started hooking up my kit
It went pretty well. I have a mechanial WOT switch that I was trying to figure out where to hook up, but it still left me the problem in my head on if I should use a windows switch or not, and how I was going to control the nitrous, so I didn’t spray in 1st gear. I was looking all online, and found exactly what I needed:
It is a digital RPM windows switch that you set the start and stop points, an electronic WOT switch that gets signal from the TPS sensor, and it does a really neat gear dependent nitrous firing system. It works by sensing what gear you are in by how many times the RPM dropped and then started going back up again. This is perfect!
While I was here, I decided to order up an automatic bottle warmer and pressure switch too:
So, I should be good to go! I doubt I will make 500 wheel, but I should get relatively close to it. Everything else is built on the car, so it should have no problems handling it. The trans is the only weak point at that power level, but I have a spare.
My big decision is what I am going to do with my meth. At least for now, I am going to continue spraying meth when I am not spraying nitrous. It works so well for me in daily driving, as I don’t have to put in race gas all the time, and I get no knock and full timing advance. I won’t need it when I spray nitrous though, as that will do plenty of cooling, and I will just run 110+ octane race gas then, to handle the rest.
I should have no problems playing with the big boys this year :skunk: