time warner won't even take my money.

So my roadrunner bill is due in a few days, 45.95 or whatever.

They mail me a bill, they also email me a link to pay the bill every month. I click the link, its dead.

Then I go to the roadrunner.com website, and have to activate an account on there because I have never been there.

I type in all this bullshit including the modems mac address, and all this shit.

I get in to the member services to find the pay bill link, i click that.

Its down.

I then get on technical chat with a tech, inform them that its down.

They give me a number to call. I call the number, that number is not a valid phone number.


why not just go there in person?

I just have my bank do a billpay with it… done.


I just have my bank do a billpay with it… done.


^^werd. Thats how i pay all my bills

i called the number and paid them.

Like all TW rant threads, I’m here to agree how much they suck. :wink:

And +1 for letting online banking take care of bill pay.

As far as I know you can’t do it at roadrunner.com now, its the e-bill pay at timewarnercable.com.

I’ve never used it, but have referred people there before.
Either way I’m surprised they didn’t take it over the phone, we can.

I always pay mine over the phone. Easy as pie and only takes a minute.