Sorry in advance for posting like this, but rather than rep other forums, I decided this would be the best way to make a long story short:
2007 VW GTI w/DSG transmission, stage 2 bunch-o-mods
I moved to Florida exactly a week ago. I work in Brandon, FL and commute, for the time being from Nokomis, FL which is an hour away. On my way in today I noticed a little hesitation on the highway but wasn’t certain. In other words, it was so small it could have been wind, me taking my foot off the gas a bit without noticing, etc…After getting about a mile away from work I decided to give the car a bit of gas and brought it to 60 and watched my boost gauge. Everything seemed fine. As soon as I let off the gas and started to slow down then engine started to sound effed up.
So I decided to try to limp to a dealer that was 2 miles away. I only made it one mile before the car would stall when giving it gas and not move. Fortunately, I was dead in a popular left turn only lane. This drew the attention of the local sheriffs after only one hour. They were super kind and pushed me into the grass off to the right. I called a tow truck company that took my name, location, and promptly never called me back. It started to rain which was cool because it was hot as hell in the car so I got to sit in there for a while. After about an hour I decided to run to McD’s to grab some sammiches and a Diet Coke = $10.68. Keeping with the day, the bag got wet on the way back to the car and the sammies dumped onto the road. Mmmm $10.68 in Diet Coke is FILLING. Don’t know how I would’ve fit those sandwiches in there.
Back to the car. I was able to arrange a tow truck all the way back home, an hour away. The dealer politely informed me that they wouldn’t even be able to scan it until Monday morning. I scanned it when I got home and received this bit of good news: