
Fine line on western.

Didn’t know you did tint or I wouldve hit you up. Going to get mine done in about 2 hours though at electronics warehouse in toga…

It’s all good. It’s not my main job, I own a logging company but I do tint on the side. I do in between 25-30 cars a month…it takes up a good bit of my time lol.

Where you located? I have an 04 TL, that I need old tint removed and replaced with 35%. Dealer fucked it up putting a sticker on it from the inside, even though I already bought the car :facepalm

says LG

Pm sent. The tint I got put on today looks like complete shit and they did my back glass in the TA in 3 strips after I specifically said it had to be done in one piece…

For reference (iPhone pics)http://img.tapatalk.com/4a4c6916-40a4-cb34.jpghttp://img.tapatalk.com/4a4c6916-40b1-ee8e.jpghttp://img.tapatalk.com/4a4c6916-40be-1cf2.jpghttp://img.tapatalk.com/4a4c6916-40cd-7113.jpghttp://img.tapatalk.com/4a4c6916-40d7-7fe8.jpg

And, look at how they left my windshield… I spent over an hour polishing and cleaning it a week ago and now I can’t even see out of it from all the smudges and streaks they left and they didn’t do shit to the windshield other than fuck it up… Do not got to electronics warehouse in toga for tint!!!

tint king is the only one i would ever pay my money to tint cars. machine cut pieces with perfect cut lines and no bubbles EVER, is the only way to go.

he has done multiple porsche’s for me and everyone has come out perfect and flawless and even completely warranty’s his work for up to 5 years

Wow yota that does look like complete ass. The tint industry is one of the biggest “you get what you pay for” kind of things. Is price the main reason you went there? After so many of us on here gave you numerous recommendations? Just curious

it wasnt like it was a cheap job, it was still $200 which is right in line with what i have paid to get every other vehicle i have ever had tinted done… i honestly went there because they answered their phone, didnt quote me $350, and they are about 5 or so minutes from my house… doesnt matter really though because refund or not, that shit is coming off and going in the dumpster… live and learn i guess… it will be re-done at one of the recommended shops above soon

I use the same computer precut shit as all the big guys do. I actually get my film from Carl@New england solar guard in queensbury. I have tint kicking around in the garage for a TL your body style but its 18%. I would love to help you out man, but I’m going to be honest I fucking HATE peeling tint. It seems like no matter how many times you go over the window after peeling you always seem to miss a spot of glue. I can see the bubbles from the pictures and those lines are horrible. I’m not saying my work is 100% perfect but it is indeed 12923948320% better than that!

That is the worst tint job I’ve ever seen. Wow.

You think that’s bad, you should see some of the shit I’ve come across…

this is 35% on the doors and 20% on the hatch (18% back there would be fine with me, the tahoe had 5% over factory 18% haha)… and TA, not TL (not sure if typo, just clarifying)… if you can get it, and want to take a shot at it, please let me know… they will be peeling this shit off, not you or me- they fucked it up… and i will ensure all glue is off before the next person touches it to avoid any issues… i’ve got no problem ensuring you have a clean slate to start with- that’s what i gave them and you will get the same… i am one OCD mother fucker when it comes to my cars so i try to help out where i can so i can get the results i expect and pay for :slight_smile:

That really sucks man I’m sorry that you have to lose out on money. Doubt they will be willing to refund you too, maybe see if they will at least remove it for free. If you want to just be done with it and move on here is what I recommend you do. Peeling tint can be a major pain in the balls. I’ve done it countless times and the trick is to use steam. You don’t need a fancy professional steamer but if by any means you have acess to one USE IT! Otherwise go to Walmart and buy a portable fabric steamer. They have one for 30$ which I bought made by rival that has a hose attached to a wand that dispenses steam. All you do is wait for it to heat up and once it starts producing steam you just put it right up to the tint, work the steam over say a 1x1 section at a time allowing it to get nice and hot. Start at a corner. Start peeling it SLOWLY, and keep heating it as you go. The steam loosens the glue so that the film will release from the window with the glue attached to it so there is no need to scrape with a razor blade. If at any point you hear like the film is ripping off of the glass without a smooth quiet motion then heat it up more and peel. You want to try to get the film off and leave the least amount of glue possible. If you take your time and are patient you will get about 99% of all glue without needing to scrape with razor. Still at the end be sure to wet the windows down again with steam and go over it with a razor blade to ensure it is all out especially in the corners and down by the window sill. Clean it good with windex at the end. And as a side note but should be pretty obvious; you would want to avoid using a razor blade on the back glass where the defroster lines are. This is where the steam will really be beneficial. I know the other windows you could technically just pull it and scrape with a razor blade but this method is just a cleaner way to do it. For the back glass you could use some very fine 0000 steel wool afterwards for final inspection. Dont use much pressure though. Just pay attention to the defroster lines as to not damage them. The glue likes to get hung up on the edges of the defroster lines though so be sure to triple check them all to ensure all the glue is gone. Use a bright halogen light on the outside of the glass to light it up. This will help show anything on the glass when looking at it from inside the car.

And also be sure wherever you end up taking it to let the tinter know that there was film there before and that you took it off but just to double check to ensure all the glue is gone. If you can’t tell I’ve done this a few times lol. And Everytime it comes out perfect with no glue left behind. Key is to be patient and not speed through. Have a beer or 6 and take your time lol.

And ps, just take it to Jason at finelinetint. I know it’s pricey but you won’t have any headaches and it won’t need to be touched again after for the rest of the cars life. Tell him I sent you. Im super anal about my tint work so if you tell him you know me hell take care of you. Trust me haha

^ Do i just say Frank with the white TBSS?

I stopped by and talked to the guy at Electronics Warehouse this morning. He understood where I was coming from and agreed that the work was not up to par with what it should be after I showed him the lines, bubbles, gaps, and trash in the tint. They are removing the tint for me on Saturday and I only asked for half my money back. I figure the guy was nice enough about it, and they do have a lot of time invested, so I just didn’t feel right asking for 100% back, especially since they still have even more time that will be going into it… The last thing I want is someone who is pissed off at the car working on it and making shit worse.

Thanks for all the input guys. Off to Fine Line I go next week I guess.

Yes sir. He just worked on my truck a few months ago. Hell take good care of you and you’ll be 100% satisfied. Let me know how it goes

Will do. Thanks.

Getting my BMW tinted right now in NC for $130 :rofl NY prices are rediculous!

Tap dat talk