Tiny engine, big power


I thought this was sort of interesting, it may be a re-post but i just stumbled across it so i figured i’d post it anyway.

Shitty hard to navigate site, impossible to find info. Oh yeah and he lists a Rotary as having 4 cylinders, sounds like this guy knows what he’s talking about!

yeah , the site sucks and the knowledge of the rotary is very limited but the theory and design of the engine is pretty damn cool IMO. I would love to see it in action in a real world application like a car or a bike.

um…a wankel rotary (1 rotor, anyway) doesn’t even have 4 combustion chambers…lol

I wanted to see a cut-away diagram of this engine…but did not. :frowning:

here are the pistons exposed…sort of a cut a way.

ahh…thanks. I attribute my not seeing that to the horrible navigation. The animation is pretty cool. it is a 4-cylinder rotary. :tup:

try this link insead, it takes you right to the tech stuff.


i think the guy is full of shit

on the specs page it lists the engine as being capable of 3000 hp and 150 ft lbs’, but the test with compressed air showed that it “makes” 840+ ft lbs …

they also list it as a “lowrpm” engine … but any engine that makes 3000hp / 150ft lb’s is NOT a low rpm engine

assuming the engine makes 150 ft lb’s at ALL times, … it would require 100,000 rpm to acheive 3000 hp

That’s advertised power. lol which totally means you’re right…he’s full of it.

BTW: :tup: for him at least designing a new type of engine…sorta. I had a similar design in my mind when I learned about why rotaries were designed and then heard about the flaws they have. If this guy would just get his numbers straight, I could see this being pretty big.


I think hes full of shit. I would have to see a real working model to believe anything that he says.

I don’t think you guys are reading this right.

He say the Wankel is a 4 cyl equivalent, while his design is a 32 cyl equivalent.

His estimated 3000 hp rating is what he believes a forced induction setup would produce on this engine.

The engine weight is 150 pounds, and the claimed torque generated with the compressed air test was 814 ft. lbs.

alrighty, the sits so fucking confusing to read

i was here: http://www.plug2work.com/angellabsllc/d/myts.html and misunderstood it …

i stil think hes overrated it … ive got $100 that says that bitch melts under high load … if the wrist pins dont snap off first

I agree, since their engine hasn’t been tested for hp and torque with any fuel yet.

Here’s another odd engine.


“Our initial engines are expected to put out 200 HP with 650 ft-lb torque while weighing less than 100 lbs.”

omg thats my idea !

thn i was taking apart slomas a/c pump i was like “hey, 6 cylinders set up in a circular patern would be a good way to set up the cylinders”

i just couldnt figure out how to build a crank plate that would take the stress

I’m actually going to be out in california this summer sometime, i want to see if i can stop by and check it our in person and possibly see it run on fuel. Alot of his ideas and assumptions on his design are probably bullshit, but maybe if the design is refined quite a bit further it may be usable someday in a real-world application.

looks cool, but I’ll wait till there is an aftermarket for it before I buy one.

Interesting design. I need to see more pictures of it and more technical data and cutaways to understand exactly how its working.

Wasn’t there something like this on howstuffworks.com? Or maybe it was some other design. Similiar in manner.