tips for speeding up XP?

I’m running XP on an older P3 (733 mhz) with 256 megs of memory and was wondering what I can do to speed it up a little. Only reason I’m running XP is because of drivers and networking… less of a PITA.

I’m running the classic style theme and have all the bells and whistles turned off (menu effects and shit).

any ideas? It’s not bad per say… but it’s deffinitly showing it’s age

older machine… use legacy XP…

AKA tiny xp. boardjnky introduced me to it… its a stripped version of XP… i haven’t tried it on my 366mhz wonder… to see how it runs… but i’d imagine it will help you out alot

no shit… thanks for the heads up. Never heard of it before… I’ll let you know what I find :tup:

If you want to be reallly stingy you can do what I did on my P-133 laptop to get it running smoothly on XP Pro (Managed to get it down to 31MB of RAM in use at idle). As well as my server which runs on a set of P3-550s.

If you are going all out.

-Disable any non-essential windows processes, and startup items
-Remove any background image you might be using
-Use classic mode for start menu, and visual themes
-Disable any basic graphics effects/transisitions/tranparencies
-Use 16-bit color or lower with the lowest resolution you are comfortable with.
-Disable any security software you can, including the windows filewall.
-Disable “cleartype” or what ever it’s called that anti-aliases text on your screen.

You “should” be able to get it around 60-70MB of usage at idle if you are using SP2. And it should be decently quick for browsing the internet and such. XP for Legacy PCs has quite a few limitations on it, but might work depending on what you want to do.

Put another 256chip of ram in.

yea i have another 256 you can have if you want steve, pulled it out of my one dell

ps, i still need a copy of media center :stuck_out_tongue:

alright, you the man chris :tup:

lol, didnt know you still needed it… sorry bout that brother. I should be able to drop it off to you after work next week… I’ll shoot ya a PM and let ya know

PM boardjnky4 ask him for Windows Fundamentals. Its a stripped down XP, that works just as well as XP home. Its designed for legacy PCs that still need to be used with XP in businesses and such.