Tire suggestions?

About to order a new set of tires what do you guys suggest? I had my eye on a set of pilot power 2ct’s for 240 installed

BFG KDW 2’s if your looking for a summer performance tire

I usually only use my motorcycle in the summertime bro… lol thanks

Thats a car tire isnt it?

My B thought you were talking about your car! Maybe i should pay attention to sections from now on :banghead

lol No problem man

I’ve ran 2CT’s for my last 2 sets, seem to hold up well and stick. No complaints.


Thanks, Yeh I’ll prolly just go ahead and order em so they’re on just incase wednesday turns out decent for LVD. They wont let the bike run with the tires on it now lol

mistake was already caught DICK!

more info needed, depends on whats available in the size and your budget.

I really liked my 2CT’s. Fantastic grip and they’ll last a long time if you keep an eye on your tire pressures.

I am actually going to try a set of Dunlop Q2’s for the first time. A lot of people are saying its the best gripping street tire on the market. $199 for a set:

I loved the Pilot Powers and typically the tire I swear by.

Life on them is relatively short lived however. Just the price you gotta pay.

I hear that a lot, but I got about 7-8K miles out of my PP rear tire on the R6 and I have about 5k miles on my front with plenty of life left. That includes 7 trackdays too.

Tire wear is related to heat, and if you keep your tire pressures high (40 rear, 38 front) your tires will stay cool and you’ll get a lot of miles out of them. Check your pressure before every ride.

Im trying to get prices for the Q2’s as we speak, and the supercorsa’s they seem like the best 2 street tires on the market…

I think I get around 4 or 5 from the back and almost 10 from the front unless I change at the same time. No better feel than a new sticky front.

Higher tire pressure might arguably increase life but it does so by decreasing traction. I’d rather personally spend more on tires then decrease traction on an already small patch.

Personally I like Q2, but I don’t mind using anything that is cheaper; I mean we are talking about street riding, any crap tire will “work”, unless you like riding in a downpour and want something with better rain performance.

40 psi is probably too high for any brand, even for street riding. Different tire brand with different carcass design are designed to work within a specific range of tire pressure, consult tire manufacturer recommandation.

True, and that’s why a rider should adjust pressure to suit the conditions.

But how much of a tires’ traction do we actually utilize on the street anyway? That extra bit of traction from running a low pressure isn’t needed for 99% of day-to-day riding duties.

The 99% isnt what I’m worried about.

That 1% is all it takes.

I run Q2’s and i wont run anything else they even do pretty well in the Rain

^The truth^