tired of excuses so heres my pay me thread


How long ago did the original transaction take place again? reading comprehension owns me, and i’ve come to realize that trying to understand joe’s posts ( while he has improved ) are generally rather difficult- and as a result i may have missed the original date


this is one of the top 5 posts in this thread :lol:


How long ago did the original transaction take place again? reading comprehension owns me, and i’ve come to realize that trying to understand joe’s posts ( while he has improved ) are generally rather difficult- and as a result i may have missed the original date


< month ago?

It wasn’t even a month ago, February 19th was when I got the o2. Either way, just send me a PM when you read this thread Joe. Just as you should have done originally.

I recently did a transaction with Ryan, not a single problem. Hope this all gets fixed for both.

ryan gave me aids, and then didnt take it back, even with a restocking fee :frowning:


ryan gave me aids, and then didnt take it back, even with a restocking fee :frowning:


That post is funny on so many levels. Are you fully restocked now Mark? :mamoru:


That post is funny on so many levels. Are you fully restocked now Mark? :mamoru:


My shelves are overflowing! :lolsign:


It wasn’t even a month ago, February 19th was when I got the o2. Either way, just send me a PM when you read this thread Joe. Just as you should have done originally.


Yea!!! Shit Talkin’@!!! thats what i like

I gave Ryan a box of pretzels 2 years ago and he never paid me. :frowning:

But they were free anyway, so I guess I can’t complain.


^ :lol:

all this over 20 bucks?


^^Overused and old.


^^Overused and old.


Thanks for the heads up!


^^Overused and old.


so is your momz faggg


HOLY FUCK OVER $20!?!!!?!?!?


fuck yea i would make a deal out of it.

if some one is buying a car part and can’t come up with a lousy $20 and is avoiding the situation afterwards he should be called out. that’s just lame

this thread needs more fun cat pics…


and stop staring at my girlfriends ass.


fuck yea i would make a deal out of it.

if some one is buying a car part and can’t come up with a lousy $20 and is avoiding the situation afterwards he should be called out. that’s just lame


Cant you read?, he hasnt come to get the money, its not that ryan doesnt have 20 bucks.

[quote=“Clean Baldy,post:97,topic:25727"”]

this thread needs more fun cat pics…

and stop staring at my girlfriends ass.



sniper cat FTW