Titles for dirt bikes?

I am about to buy a '00 yzf400 and the guy says he never got a title when he bought it 7 years ago…

Shoud I worry?

if your goin to ride on NYS trails or roads you need to have it registered with the dmv so you need a title if your not dont worry about it

What about an MSO or registration or proof of ownership…

how do you know its not stolen?

I never got a title with mine back in 96? bought directly from a yamaha dealer…

exactly, Ill find out what paperwork he has. thanks.

i bought mine from a dealer as well, i dont believe i had a title? but i had a plate and everything. alls i had was a registration as far as i know…

If you buy from a dealer, don’t they hold the title as a lien? Atleast until the bike is paid off.

If it only had a registration it might be a transferable reg. That’s what sleds have.

no one ever holds the title, they just mark it as having a lein so when you sell it the new buyer knows there is a lein and should request the lein release, its not necessary to sell it though

and sorry, I knew dirt bikes/atv’s didnt get titles, I meant registration…

hopefully this guy has some paper work… is there a way to check vins for being clear? maybe go to the dmv?

They come with an mso, when and if it gets registered you turn the mso in and get a transferrable registration…don’t let him tell u any different I’ve personally owned 3 bikes going back to 94 with mso’s.

they come with mso’s, yes. Do owners lose them? Yes. It’s a dirt bike, relax. Check the bike out and ask who he bought it from… name, address, etc. Maybe contact that person if you can and do some background if you’re that worried. My last dirt bike was a '99 yz400f and the guy had zero paperwork for it, but did provide me with the previous owner’s info.

He also let me copy down his info. from his driver’s license, including his drivers license ID #. I told him that since he had no paperwork I wanted to be sure I could find him if anything fishy came up down the road. Had he been reluctant to let me take down his info. I would have walked.

Now, for street bikes or anything i planned on riding on the street, definitely must have a title or I don’t even bother with it.

^^thanks thats what Ill do…

bought my 06 yz450f with just a transferable registration… thats it guy did prove to me that he bought it from a dealer and what not so you just kinda have to read the guy and i mean really are you going to register and all that jazz anyways to a dirtbike?

no but i want to make sure its not stolen.

but i maaaay buy a wr frame and title and find someway to convert everything over so I can motard it…

Have the police or DMV run the VIN… that’s about all you can do short of finding the previous owner(s). Get a receipt and keep it so you have a record of who you got it from.

cant I just go to the dmv and file for a lost registration? What will I need to do since it will come back in the long gone owner? The guy says he doesn’t know the person or how to get a hold of him