TNC Drifting Clips


:confused: :confused: :confused:

nice video.
could use a better sound.

grrr still waiting on the last footage so i can make my vid… HEY NOPI WHATS GOING ON DUDE :C

anthony your a bigger proctrastinator than i am dude…

WTF… Whats that suppose to mean.? how am i suppose to make the full vid without the last footage nooblet… :C hahahaha

by asking Newb… lol

u guys bicker like a couple :stuck_out_tongue: haha

Still waiting for more clips people… :C

its been a week…i wudda thought sumthin better then waat i got wud be up by now lol

i think rick is making a vid but im still waitin on Nopi to post his clips

slloww pokkess lol

shittt i want more vids!!!

My rice reflectors looks soooo cool at night :smiley:

crack snapple pop…david’s rice krispies :stuck_out_tongue: lol




Point for her side :wink:

hahaha rice krispies.

muahahaha }: D

BUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA… +1 this girl is on a roll… david wheres the come back…

and where is the last bit of footage :mad:

lol samsons awsome last car of the vid