TNC Meet - Saturday June 14, 2008 - 9 PM ish!

It was my first meet. I loved it. It was nice meeting all of you. hope to see u soon at the next meet. sorry to leave early had to pick up the wife from work.

hey no prob man, need more notice for meets next time, but all things consitered it was a decent turnout, if veryone was there at the same time it would have been better tho lol. glad to see you guys coming out tho

when i came in i just saw a handful of 240’s along side zeps car…then after i came white 300zx rolled in…

after most of you gys left…me + gta sentra boys decided to take a peek at the martingrove area…on the way not very far from home depot guess who we saw!

white 300zx licence plate saying luva boi and in big bold letters…team 24k…ahaha i told him there was a tnc meet and sam guys from yorkdale are there…funny guy…i still dont get it tho…why peel out from a gas station

Well it was nice meeting at least the people who showed up, hopefully next time it’ll be a bigger meet and we’ll get something going instead of just standing around, hahaha.

Anyway, this is going to be the regular meeting spot until further notice. It’s going to be in the Cosco parking lot across from the Home Depot as it was totally empty except for us and we can all chill with no worries.

So again, good to meet everyone and look forward to seeing you all next week.

Cheers :smiley: .