To all the youngsters on Son

Hey guys this is for all the youngsters that want a 240, why dont you start off small and fix these.

Are you refuring to ALL of the 7 year olds on son? lol

2/10 And I’m being pretty generous.

Damn … The Funny Judge found me guilty of a bad joke :frowning:

man that guy is ripping people off, I have that same s15 and i paid like $13.25 at wal-mart for it… and yeah there is only so much you can do to them befor you want a biger and faster one

Yea i there pretty cheap / bad quality , i got mine like 3 years ago 10 bucks or somethingl ike that , maybe he thinks there antiques

why does this thread exist?

hahaha coming from the youngest kid on son

Ya honestly man… Wow.

lol, and i thought i was the youngest :S