To mess with a teacher or not...

IM sitting in a college classroom at Ferdonia.

Should i start a debate with the teacher on moral issues or not?

do it bitch… you show him how krazy jon can be…hehe… cause ur krazyyyyyy

dpends on a lot yo

but i voted to go look for bucky

Do it.

You won’t.

he is Krazy…dew it


Are you attending school with Mrs. Carus for the day?


go into the computer classes and pwn them.

i am with mrs. karus :slight_smile:

If i can find a computer class, I will step in :slight_smile:

we are discussing utilitarinsim right now lol

start a debate about how Karl Marx was a douchebag whore fucker.


Let me guess…

…they’re extremely liberal?

DUDE, a debate with the teacher on moral issues WONT GET YOU $425,000