To my closest friends....i bid farewell. (UPDATED Post #142)

grats homie

Congrats Josh!

wow, congrats man.

congrats josh! good luck with the new life

attaboy.Congrats as well

I’m glad your plan worked out well and again…congrats!!! Angie is great. Has an awesome sense of humor and you guys are perfect together :slight_smile: OH and Jonathan is the best lol



Good Luck

wow congrats josh! the ring is beautiful and so is your fiance!

if you need any planning help, i’m a pro now, lol. best of luck!

Woah a girl that can handle multiple g forces without giving your arm a death grip?


congrats, I dont care for the ring style but if she digs it horray.

Pics or Ring in the sun or ban



Genuinely happy for you Josh. :slight_smile:

As long as we can still rub our forearms together once in a while for old times sake :snky:


But really, congrats bud. I am super happy for you. Just remember what I said, the wedding ring is NOT a good opportunity to do another carbon fiber DIY. :fyi:

congrats and best of luck. Glad everything went as planed never seems to be the case.

Thanks everybody… i appreciate it. It’s step i didn’t see myself taking for quite some time. But it’s amazing how everything just came together for both of us. Our history with eachother is what makes everything 10x’s better.


thanks for the offer, i appreciate it. I may take you up on it, however the word “plan” makes me think “$$$”
Quote me on this, so next year I can look back and see how much/if it has changed.

Wedding: Simple, Only Family and two(2) of my/her closest friends
Reception: Saturn Club, Band, 3-4 hrs evening time slot, business casual, 100% open bar and hourdurves. (Saturn Club has really good food, fyi). Basically just a relaxed social event.
That’s it. We’ll see how it changes.

promise. :walter:

I will be machining/making it myself. And no, it will not be out of CF.

Ring “style” was actually her doing. I personally would have done something more simple…that’s just my style. HOWEVER, i really do like it for how different it is. She knew what she was getting, just had no clue when.Believe it or not, i like being ‘different’

Ring in the sun is ridiculous…i couldn’t believe it the first time i saw it.

She did a solid double doughnut in the T-REX yesterday… true love.

Wow congrats Josh! :tup:

Incredible ring too.

congratulations josh! I wish you the best of luck!

Congrats man.

Actually just did my wedding gift registry today!


yep, shes a keeper.
