To the Administrator and Members of Shift518

To whom it may concern,

I’d like to apologize for my rude, obnoxious, and insubordinate message board posts of the past. They were uncalled for and drastically decreased the forum morale. From now on, I will take this place in all seriousness, as I would everyday life. Thank you for your time and I look forward to seriously communicating with you on the message board.



Account restored.


Apology accepted

whats the point when you already had another screen name anyway?

I made that one because I couldn’t fucking post on this one. Vlad informed me how to “unlock” it and now here we are.

Accounts were merged. Old name is no longer existent and has been replaced with the original throughout.

I’m going to miss JP. He was a good guy :rofl

He had AIDZ and was going to pass soon anyway, but he was a good dude.

He sucked/sucks

OP is a fucking doofus


oh boy

That’s quite the BS post :lol

LOL I give it a week…

lol at public apologies

you know whats sweet. Since its the internet you could have someone else type that apology and its really like you never apologized in the first place,

I heard from a anonymous source that JP now resides in the city of Juarez pushing yay across the border. good to have you back
