to the black BMW i just saw on transit.

maybe u are pist because he has it and you dont :")

People who drive BMWs are usually down to earth guys. Pretty wierd.


LOL @ pist

maybe your a fucktard Noob and should shut the fuck up.

Trust me im not PIST that i dont own a BMW.


Nah probably was doing like 55. There was no one behind me, than all of the sudden i look in the mirror and the dude was on my ass. i was in the fast lane but he had no reason to be in there because he got on the 400 on ramp. If it was you the car looked pretty nice from the quick glimpse i got of it. Think It might have been a 5. But like I said, I didnt really get a good look.

I think BMW’s are for gays? No

I’m pist I have a gay car :frowning:

damnit, i knew i shoulda bought a GN. :frowning:

Then its some Dentist that works at the place across from hectors on transit…

has black works (or similar 3 piece wheels) stock everything else though as far as i can tell… ive never stopped to talk to the kid, but he did cut through traffic once to try to pull up near me

oh noes, nobody told me and I got one.

that cuts pretty deep from a dude who can’t even get laid on the internets

What about this car:

Member on here that goes down transit frequently

IIRC, thats turbo now too… hear a BOV?

It is not turbo. I think the e36 that that owner is building is supposed to be turbo but I doubt it is done yet


Hes a guy!?:cjerk:

if you were doing 55 in the fast lane there’s a small possibility it was me. While I’ve only been out that way once in the past month (for a hockey game) it drives me nuts when people go the speed limit or slower in the left lane. That’s the passing lane. If you’re not passing someone, going a passing speed, you should be in the right lane.

i had this guy

werd. get out of the passing lane if you’re not passing. mechanicalmadness…this makes you a douche by choice.

+2 and posting that you drive slow in the left lane equals homoooo