To Turbonetics

Well got my turbo back today, must say thing looks great… i think they just send me a brand new one haha. there is no shaft play whatsoever… even threw in a gasket set for the turbo… Best thing about it. they dident even ask me one question to what happend to the turbo.

hows the car?

nice :tup: now that the season is almost over lol. glad to see u will be getting it back out soon though!

Get it together…and this time…dont blow it up…maybe 3rd time is the charm!


now hurry up and get that shit put on…cause you have so much free time now LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

It was brand new when it first went in correct?

i still got Fall! lol


did they inspect the old turbo and tell u what they think may have happened?

Lack of lubication.

Thats what she said…bahahahaha

Anyway…atleast u know the source of the problem so hopefully it wont happen again.

get it fixed and running!!!

so is it a kinked line or what?