today 9/24 football game

i def sprained my finger though, iced that last nite, its pretty swollen… gonna ice it throughout the day

my arm hurts so bad today


my arm hurts so bad today


LOL why does he look so funny hahah


my arm hurts so bad today


You saw Sureshot!'s signature too?

wtf kinda game was this? wheres the pics of people getting smashed and pancaked? wheres the blood, sweat and tears??? screw pics of people doing handstands and jumping around like little girls. lol

shut up bitch :slight_smile:

well…how it works…

when we were playing football… the camera was put away… weird

aaron is my car key in ur backpack??

yea… just found it

omg. bs on onyx playing football.

I am in for next time!

^^lol…he wasnt half bad…

thats because he runs and leaps like an antelope

thanks for the call… i never saw this thread and did virtually nothing yesterday evening… :frowning:


thats because he runs and leaps like an antelope


lol and kyle was sayin a gazelle

fuck, thats what i meant

youre all a bunch of fags. how do 8 of you wanna play and no one shows up

Out of town yesterday + Sprained wrist = no football.

Too many injuries last time you guys played…I heard the war stories and now I am afraid.

i was still icing my hand…lol kyle did u go alone?