today was very scary for me

well today was a very scary day for me. as many might know up north it was very icey this morning. i was on my way to work and hit some severe black ice. i ended up fishtailing and being shot across the 2 lanes. upon crossing the far left lane i was t-boned by a tractor-trailor going about 60mph into my driverside of the ZR2. somehow i really didnt get hurt. the truck driver, cop and ambulance workers were shocked that i came away pretty much ok. the truck driver thought that i was dead by the way my truck reacted and how it looked after i finaly came to a stop. maybe it was an act of god, but i consider myself very lucky. my truck is basically destroyed. tommorrow i find out confirmation if it is totalled, but i cant see how it wont be. so as of right now the Z06 will be on hold. i was finally supposed to go out and put money on this 01 this weekend that i have been talkin to a dealer about. im sure i will still have one by summer though. i just hope i get a decent amount from the insurance if it is totalled. i need to get another truck, so ill prob get another ZR2. im thinking i can get one w/o cuttin into my Z06 fund that much. so while it sux that i cant get a vette right now, and that my truck that i loved is probably lost…atleast im alive and not really hurt. well i guess im gonna start lookin online for ZR2s now, so if u know of any in the area hit me up.

glad your ok. now go get a new colorado instead of a zr2

Geez, sorry to hear that. Glad you’re okay. Just watch for anything that shows up later on.

glad you are ok!

glad you are ok. Take the insurance check and buy the Z06! and some blizzacks!

:crying: i almost LOST the best roll racer in the entire world :crying:

Glad your ok :kiss:

god lets you know he’s watching you in weriod ways…glad your alright

wow glad your ok

wow… glad you are okay, sorry about the truck.

glad you are ok… talk to brian about a truck. he has a nice 01 Z71 silverado for sale still i think


yup,GLAD ur ok smokey!!!

wow!!! glad your ok!!! the check from the insurance should prob. cover you getting a new truck without dipping into other funds!!

hope everything works out ok… you’re lucky. glad you’re ok

thanks guys. my mom just called and the adjuster said that he knew my truck was totalled before he even got out to really look over it. as soon as he drove up he could tell. so im waitin for an amount and ill go from there.

damn - glad you ain’t dead

get a little cheaper truck and put some more money away for the z06.

Glad your okay… You’re one of the few that does take jokes seriously and actually jokes back :love:

How much do you think youll get for the zr2?

What year was it, miles, etc…?

x2!! or take money you get for truck by cheeper one and use rest of money for z06 fund

thanks. it was a 99 pewter GMC. it had 140000 highway, but youd never know it. aside from a few small rock chips is was is near excellent cond. very clean. so on kbb i saw private party was still $8500 for it. retail was like 11. so i guess we’ll see. im hoping to get a decent amount. 8-9 would be nice. but i dont know if the condition it was in will even matter to help me get what i want out of it. i’ll post up the amount when i find it.

yeah, aaron i was thinkin about that too. i guess it depends on what i find. but either way, i dont think im gonna be diggin in my z06 fund too much, cause thats been my goal to get one and i was basically there. so i dont want this to stop me from gettin one.