todays posts

If you are a donating member then you have access to it, it is not an additional fee.

Oh ok. That’s cool then. I’m already a premium member on my Cobalt forum, so I will have to add Pittspeed to my list of premi’s too…

Having to pay just to view the classifieds hurts those who would pay to post in the classifieds… I would be more inclined to pay to post if I had a MUCH bigger audience of potential buyers than just the donating members

What’s that they say about sick minds thinking alike or something…:rofl::beer:

w3rd everyone should be able to see them, in this users unrequested and probably unwanted opinion. :smiley:

I agree that the classifieds should be able to be viewed by everyone but only posted in by paying members. Which reminds me that I need to send in some money.

$10 isnt shit so i dont mind paying but whats the point of listing if only a handful of people can see them…

and what about a wtb section?

Agreed. Everyone should be able to see and reply to pre-made posts (as in “yes, I’ll take your item”), but only premium members should be able to actually start a thread. I think that’d make the most sense… A agree that 10 bucks is nothing, but it’s stupid if only a handful of people can see it anyway…

if it was only that easy to do it in vbulletin.

Owned by technology… lol

I thought there might be a limitation like that. Well aren’t the mods already supposed to be authorizing all FS/FT/WTB threads? When they get a thread that has been submitted, can’t they just deny it if the person isn’t a paying member? That might solve things, that way, noobs can’t post a ton of crap that nobody wants and all of the other potential buyers can still see what is for sale/trade.

I agree, seems to be the only logical answer.

Maybe I just make the whole site pay?

That is an option, but it would limit the growth of the site and I would guess that over time traffic would decline dramatically. My guess is people who pay to advertise wouldn’t be too happy about that. I like the idea posted above…the classified needs to be approved anyways, why not just check it then?

Or there could just be no classified section and people can just use Craigslist…? lol

checking each thread against a list of subscribing members? that sounds like work to me. People volunteer to be mods/admins, i would not want to do that and I doubt anyone else would.

I understand it will be more work, but if they are checking it over anyways it would be just one more step. I think I have a valid point about if it was a all pay site and I think there are valid points about why would anyone want to pay to advertise when their potential audience would be dramatically decreased when only paying members can view?

Wasn’t this thread started by Cutty bitching about how the site is boring because all the new threads are classifieds? So somehow reducing the classifieds is a way to improve that? It still won’t make other interesting threads suddenly appear. Although his griping as at least produced this somewhat interesting thread.

Also, the other/related gripe was from those using the show new threads/posts feature and getting a ton of classifieds threads/posts. the simple solution to that is for those people to either stop bitching and sort through the threads/posts when using that function or to simply click the non-classifieds forums individually to see what is going on in them. Most users posts on here seem to be limited to 2 or three of those sections anyway. An alternative solution to appease such whiners is to modify the show new posts/thread function to not include the classifieds section, which I would think doable but I am not familiar with the underlying coding or whatever.

Unless the cost of the space being used by the classifieds section is heavily outweighing the additional traffic it produces removing or greatly limiting it would be rather nonsesical.

i obviously wasnt the only one that noticed the amount of classifieds lately and also uses the new posts function. its seems to me the people that are annoyed are the people that helped make this site as big as it is… so i think that should matter.

personally i think i listed one thing for sale ever on here… i’d rather go ebay and get some fool willing to pay too much than to sell on classifieds that all the cheapskates will try to low ball you. if it went away i wouldnt cry.

Ok i think i might have it…

Regular users can view and create new posts inside the classifieds section. Paid users can post new threads.

thanks for all the suggestions!