Tokyo Auto Parts

Anyone ever dealt with clips/engines from there before? They are up on taber.

i dealt with them for random parts like lower control arm for civic, for pressure plate etc etc. I never had a problem but i remember once, i was walking out
and the owner was arguing with a customer because the engine was burning oil and the owner was not willing to replace it under warranty/guarantee. The guy was PISSED

ive seen a girl return a supra mk 2 they bought,
the owner gave the father of the girl a hell of a time, until lawyers were involved.

Shift_ka24det bought a blown z32 tt motor off them
i know 1 other guy who bought rims, but the rims were bent.
lots of issues with toyko and tiger

yeah … just get it from varun

No offense to varun I know everyone says he is the best but im finding clips 1000$ less then what he is asking for compression tested/warrenty.

well I personally haven’t dealt with anyone since I don’t even have a car…
but as the saying goes, you get what you pay for.
varun’s prices are probably because he needs to pay to import actual good products and proper shipping. sure you can save some bucks other places, but
if they have a reputation of faulty goods, then be prepared
besides, varun probably has a better warranty and keeps his word.

you can not beat Varuns word. He is always there to help and has saved my ass a bunch of times over the last 5 years.

hey kyle, i take no offense to that man…i know there are many ppl cheaper then me, its one of those items that u get what u pay for u know what i mean man? good luck either way, even if u get ure motor elsewhere and have any questions or needing parts for the swap to be complete feel free to call me…

how many guys u know will invite u to their home for car parts? not many. to me that says alot and varun clearly has nothing to hide and hes a man that takes care of business. i know i wouldnt be telln ppl my home address if i planed on screwin them over lol

+1 for varun my “go to” guy

You get what you pay for. Sure, it’s $1000 less but if it’s fucked. What happens next? You just wasted hours of your time just to save $1000. Is it worth it to you?

Personally, I’m a bit of a hypocrite myself because I didn’t buy my motor from Varun either but I needed a motor quickly and I didn’t have the money at the time. As soon as I bought the motor, it seemed sketchy and there was nothing I could do. I wished that I had bought it from Varun in the first place to be honest. It takes a lot of the worry out of the equation.

id buy my motorset from varun for the same reason id get a shop to swap my motor… WARRANTY!!!

lets say varun wants 2500 for an sr20… he could order 1 and its blown he gets another one. its blow and finally a great one. you only paid 2500 and he has 2 parts motors… sucks for him cause hes out the shipping and buying costs but u just bought a great motor hassel free.

think about it this way. you find a sr20det for $1500 and its blown. you dont get a refund and they tell u to fuck off on warrenty… now ur out $1500… better to spend the extra grand.

if someone swaps it for you and it dosent run they fix it. your not scratchin your head wondering were u fucked up.
pro shops have it ready to drive. no fuckin around… worth paying the cash.

I bought my clip from tokyo auto parts did the compression test myself, and the motor i bought was mint, haven’t seen anyone get a motor with the kilometers mine had, so all i can say is you have too look and gauge how well off the clip is no matter where or who you go to, and take the time to get one thats worth your money and time so you can enjoy it

Well just to let u know all those afghan jdm supplier in toronto are related to each other and have lots beside each other in japan… Some will even get parts from tiger or other jdm suppliers in toronto and sell it to who ever needs a clip or motor if they dont have it in stock.

i have been driving a tiger det for 2 years and no problemss FYI

Me and couple friends,we use to buy honda motors from them and We had a lot of problems and that had an end when after 5 swaps"motors from them" with fu***d motors in one of my s13s,“I having the 5th motor blowing the con. rod out of my bottow end in the faces of one of his own mechanic in my garage” I decide not to buy motors from them,unless, it is done the compression before I get it to my home and not only "startup"warranty.
There is a lot of places that can sell u good motors for a good price,but,MAKE SURE u do the compression before u get it to your home.
This is only my 2cents for u to get a nice motor.

i bought my motor from a importer.
i have had no real problems with it other then the stupid stuff i have done to the motor, but if i did have my time back…
i would have gone with a motor from varun, if i need to buy another motor in the future varun knows thats who im going with. i already called him lol.
plus varun helps you 100%!!!

How much does Varun’s front clips or motors run on average for an rb20 or a sr20?

This thread should be changed to… 101 reasons to buy an engine from Varun

Tokyo Auto has some good engines and parts. I went with jcs13_90 to find his front clip and they had a few good ones there when we went. Just make sure you do your homework and never settle for something if it don’t look right.

Also, VARUN is a great seller. He would definitely make sure you get what you want and to be honest I’ve never seen anyone go out of their way to make sure of that. He’s sold me engines and parts and is always one call away for service advice or parts- +1 for VARUN…