NEED a sr asap

As the title says I need one asap . my ka ha a blown headgasket. I have a limited amount of money so tell me what u guys have and what you are looking for .

I would prefer a black but wouldn’t mind a clean redtop.
Now obviously I will be doing the necessary test so if you know the motor is no good don’t waste my time. thanks


we all know he sells motors

check it out! …

the only reason there’s no wiring harness is because it needed to be cut and hardwired into the truck’s chassis harness… I will include the ignitor chip though.

$1800 delivered to GTA

Varun… or you’ll end up with some pos dud that will end up costing you more to get it running then a nice clean motorset from Varun will run you.


Try slipperysilvia, VHC Performance, or…If that doesn’t work Varun

tom you tool slipperysilvia is varun, so is

go to tiger jap. they have some good shit there you just have to weed it out. same with any importer, pick a day and you and your buddys can go and look at every motor and comp test them ect… youll find somthing good for a decent deal.

Man, are you kidding me?! LOL It was so obvious I was referring to Varun like the above two.

just definatly sounds like somthing you would do lol

varun will like this thread lol.

just do it proper man. dont cheap out and get some “joe blow” motor then go thru hell with it. just go thru varun, spend the little extra cash and deal one on one with him if something goes wrong. the guy brings people right to his house, he’s obvi got nothin to hide. he doesnt screw around

go with an rb20 swap, lots of power for the same price or less

I have a RB20… it isnt less once you figure in the mount kit and custom fmic setup

hell go ca18 if you want cheap boosted power 1100 will get you all you need

I swear some of you guys on this forum need to be kidnapped. didnt the guy say that he didnt want to hear about varun. didnt it cross y`all clowns minds that he already tried…yo bajansr i will find you a good motor on monday i know your budget.


Holy shit!! you guys need to get your heads outta your asses and see the light!!

Im not saying the guy doesn’t sell good motors or that he doesn’t stand by his shit but I asked for sources OTHER!! than Varun (YOUR GOD)

I was kicked out of a jdm shop cuz they didn’t want me testing their motors lol cuz the to i tested were shit. lol

But seriously call my guy. Tell him i sent you. He’ll hook you up
1(416) 910 5550

Which shop? It’s good to know these things.

I was selling a sr for 1350 sold it for 1100. Honestly thats less then HALF of varuns prices this is already wired for s13 the person who bought this will have 0 problems.

You doing a compression test on a motor and it being perfect is no different then varun doing a compression test and then selling it for 800+ more then any other store. If you have a brain you wont have a problem. I purchased a motor from a jdm shop before it had issues brought it back and I got a new one, you guys act like varun is the only one that does this. How do you think this guy affords his porshe? HE IS RIPPING YOU OFF.

Everyone needs to jump of the bangwagon and use there brains instead of paying somone 800$ to do it for them.

^^ he speaks the truth!

$1000 extra for a redtop from varun Vs a $25 compression tester and 10 mins

its funny how many guys he’s got on his dick

Im just glad that some people here have a brain . but before his supporters lock my thread please get back on topic . lol