Toll workers...

If you see me, come say hi, too.

What do you drive again? I think I met you once but I think I was drunk. :lol

I once went through a toll booth in MA where the kid was COMPLETELY out. Mouth open and all. I almost wanted to honk to wake his as up.

I ended up just going through and not getting a ticket (it was the MA/NY state line) and had to pay $4 at the toll booth I got off at (MA is typically free). No biggie. Woulda been funny though.

i went through a toll at 1 in the morning coming home from NJ with my dad and this guy was BLASTING techno music out of a boom box and dancing his ass off. pretty funny

I used to see a few back in the days before EZ pass but most are either huge or looked like an abandoned lab experiment.

This story sucks. Everyone knows Beanie.

u a hoe

Black A6