You. Are. Retarded.

Who drops their clutch on a roll race?? Da fuck man…

a slipping clutch is the same thing as dropping the clutch… same thing happening, clutch not gripping

why the fuck are you dropping a clutch from a roll?

to much fast and the furious envy.

Fucking put it in damn gear and hammer it…shift, hammer it. Thats it. Dont dump shit.

How is there more load on a vehicle with forward momentum than a car that is being launched from a dead stop?

Maybe I missed something at school…

apparently he does! Wtf, I guess im doing it wrong!

So tomorrow good? I’m off from work and if u win I challenge you to a bench press competition

You’d be in the guardrail if you did that :lol

i know! Im almost in the guard rail now!

im only a 150 shot away from being totaled LOL

Uhh, the clutch will slip more from a dig. Take pete’s car for example, you dump the clutch from a dig. Even if you don’t dump it, you side step it or slip it out. A clutch will be more apt to slip from a dig. It’ll slip from a roll too under full load, but just not as bad…unless the clutch is smoked.

No shit, thats what I just said, and was asking him about. He said it would slip more on a roll race…

some people are a little slow.

Im going to go out and do some clutch dumps right now…brb

As in load on a car, why do u think Honda guys blow out 4th gear? That’s when max load is and when they hook…

Ive seen more Honda failures from a dig than I have seen 4th gear issues… Just sayin

+1 spinning tires doesnt slip the clutch

Just sayin what? What have you seen? Axles break? Delucia went through 4th gear how many times this year and how many times were from a dig?

So 1 car does that that you know of and now you know everything. Ok Joey, youre right. Your the Honda king I forgot.

Carry on.

Adam knows all guys, let him be. You won’t win an arguement.

Well looks like you haven’t see much then… Just sayin.

That’s all I was saying, then I became the Honda king!

VRT guys do work on their 4th gears too

28 psi did this

also twisted the input shaft